Subject: Carlson Putin Highlights

Extended article on my blog

February 9, 2024.

Tucker Putin Interview - Highlights

It's a very comprehensive article, with the headline

Did Putin Sneak In A CQded Message?

Now available on my new blog at this link.

Once there you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the blog for instant notification when new posts are published.

Please do so. If you haven't already, the below article explains the benefits.

Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

I Have Some Explaining To Do

I have remodeled my website in order to streamline the news research, writing and publishing process, and above all to provide a better service for subscribers.

What that means is that by using blog posts on my site, I can now embed associated videos to accompany relevant news items - not just my own, but others from places like Rumble and Bitchute and even YouTube.

Before long I will create a multi-tiered subscription system but for now it remains free for everyone, especially for current newsletter subscribers (that means you, of course).

Blog posts have additional advantages. They have a comments section right there - and because they're on my website, they are permanently accessible to anyone on the Internet.

As you know, Big Tech is very much engaged in this battle between Goodies and Baddies. They have a way of deplatforming, shadow banning and censoring both truth and facts that don't suit their narrative.

For but one xample, MaleChump shut down my e mail survice without warning, whereby I lost thousands of subs. This survice (sic) is also somewhat suspect. It has hovered around just a few hundred subs - and I have recently had word that people have been unexpectedly unsubscribed.

To me it is no coincidence that the list has never grown beyond a certain range; I'll be advised that one or two people have subscribed, and within a few days, that increase is offset by a matching decrease - with no automatic feedback or explanation as to why.

For too long I thought this may have been caused by someone they sent the newsletter to - and that person hit the unsubscribe option - and thereby actually unsubbed the original subscriber.

But there comes a time when coincidence has to be ruled out. You just know that something fishy is afoot. 

That was another reason why I have now focused on using my own website and blog, because they are under my control and not dependent on a third party in the pipeline between me and you.

More good news. Once I have finished writing an article for the blog, those who are subscribed to the blog immediately get an email notification. There is no middleman and wherever in the world you live, with one click you can be right there to read the article and watch whatever videos are embedded in the story.

And then, if you choose, you can simply copy the URL for that particular post, and pass it on to anyone - without any chance of you being unsubscribed.

Now this is where I am asking for your help in this transition process, so I can before long dispense with the current service by replacing it with something better - for all of us.

According to the test run I did with a couple of subscribers last night, this is how it goes.

You just click on the link (below) which takes you directly to the post (imaged in the pic above - today's top stories).

Within a few seconds after the page is loaded, a popup will appear, inviting you to subscribe.

Please do so.

Frankly, and this just occurred to me, if you have a popup blocker working for you, you probably won't see that subscribe form. Therefore you might consider turning it off before you visit this link, and on again once you've subscribed.

Also, I'd recommend that you stay subscribed to this newsletter, at least for a while, so we can iron out any glitches that might come up. There shouldn't be any, but I want you to be okay with the service, and to be sure you are being notified as soon as new posts are up on the blog.


Michael Knght

PS - If you have any issues yourself, you can then open the Contact page on the site, and send me a message.

Many thanks.

Best wishes.


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