Subject: CVD Thoughts From a Vietnam Vet

We Are In A Fight For Our Lives

September 15 2021

From Hill 861 - 1967


The Vaccine Battle - 2021

Plus Comprehensive Resources

Medical, Legal, Forms & Letters, Jobs, and

 Critical Information on the Bigger Agenda


As the son of a WW2 Veteran I have great respect for the warriors of the world.

It is with that frame of mind that I have been corresponding with a Vietnam Veteran in recent months.

I am sure we both - and you all as well - are very aware that we are now involved in another war - a silent war in which our adversaries are enemies both foreign and domestic.

Today's war zone is the information battlefield, and the casualties are those who have innocently or voluntarily taken the bioweapon - the CV19 vaccines.

It may seem like an uphill battle against the propaganda media and the Deep State, but what we do have by way of ammunition is an inexhaustible supply of Information - information that reveals the facts, the truth - and the lies that are "their" only weapon.

This Vietnam Vet hasn't stopped fighting.....

And nor should we.

As always, you are encouraged to pass this on.

Thoughts Of A Vietnam Vet

And yes, I’m a Nam vet. I served with the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines for the whole year of 1967.

 I was a “grunt” squad leader and at times a platoon Sergeant (age 22 then).

My unit took part in the hill fights (hills 881 and 861) above Khe Sanh in the spring of 1967.


It’s a long story, but in 2014 the VA requested that I submit a letter to them describing my Vietnam experience in order to justify disability benefits (PTSD).

At the end of the 18 page letter, I let them know how pissed off I was for the government lying us into that war.

And of course Nixon sabotaged the peace talks because he wanted the war to continue, otherwise he would have lost the presidential election to Humphrey.

So bottom line, this Covid scam is just another government lie and that’s why I try (like you) to expose it all.

Flu Season Cases In The USA (CDC Stats)

2012-2013 – 34,000,000

2013-2014 – 30,000,000

2014-2015 – 30,000,000

2015-2016 – 24,000,000

2016-2017 – 29,000,000

2017-2018 – 45,000,000

2018 -2019 – 36,000,000

2019-2020 – 38,000,000

2020 -2021 – 1,822

Am I the only one who suspects the Deep State of having simply relabeled the annual flu to Covid-19 in order to create a false pandemic?

 In addition they used a Covid test (PCR) which does NOT detect Covid-19, to spew out false Covid cases like a fire hose.

I would venture to say that, with few exceptions, everyone on this email list has never heard of Agenda 21.

A policy designed to control global population was adopted at the 1992 ‘United Nations Conference on Environment and Development’ in Rio de Janeiro where United Nations ‘Agenda 21 Sustainable Development’ was born.

The plan was to reduce the global population by 75% or more.

It was, and is, a plan to take control of humanity and establish a New World Order.

The plan was signed by 178 world leaders.

We just recently observed the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Most Americans still believe Osama bin Laden was responsible.

They are wrong.

Our own government at the highest levels planned and executed the attack, along with Israeli Zionists.

The events of 9/11 and the false pandemic have been used as an excuse to bring in stringent and oppressive new rules taking away the rights of all citizens.

Similar laws have been gradually introduced around the world and the rights of the individual have slowly banished.

There is no doubt at all that the promoters of Agenda 21 wanted our bodies, our minds, and our souls.

And they wanted a good many of us dead.

Today, most people have absolutely no idea what is going on.

They dutifully pick out their pretty face diapers (which are useless against any virus), and they feel quietly confident that their selfless actions and their thoughtful government will save them from the so-called plague threatening their lives.

These people are blind.

They are sleep walking to their deaths.

They have been brainwashed by carefully organized psychological operations.

Governments have admitted they want us terrified, and they use professional psychological operations to achieve their aims such as carefully planned mass shootings in an effort to take away our ability to defend ourselves (2nd amendment).

They (Cabal) know full well that an armed society is a difficult society to control and dominate.

Take a look at what’s going on in Australia and New Zealand at this very moment for example.

It's worse than Nazi Germany!

From what I understand, they are basically unarmed.

The endgame has started.

We must work fast.

We are in for a fight of our lives for they want to kill many of us and enslave the rest.

And they are now well on their way by creating the false pandemic which has ushered in the “real” threat to mankind…the so-called vaccine, which is NOT a vaccine.

 It is an experimental biological pathogen designed to kill. But the naysayers will say,  “Oh but I’ve taken the shots and I feel just fine.”

My response is “Wait a few years or more and then tell me how you feel.”\ That is if you’re still alive."

Life will never be the same again unless we smash the ‘new normal’, deny the New World Order and reject the global reset.

 If we are to save humanity we all have to fight as we have never fought before.

We have to spread the word. We have to show people what has happened. We have to help them understand the horror of what is being done to our world.

We have to show them that nothing has happened by accident.

It has all been deliberate.

We must encourage the sleepwalkers to wake up.

This isn’t George Orwell’s 1984. This is real.

Orwell got most of it right.

 All he really got wrong was the date.

 Everything that has happened was meant to happen.

Once again I will remind readers of what Henry Kissinger said in a speech to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics on February 25, 2009.

”Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over! They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – for the ‘greater good.’

"We can genetically modify children and sterilize them – ‘for the greater good.’

"Control sheep minds and you control the herd.

"Vaccine makers stand to make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors.

"It’s a big win-win!

"We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing exterminating services.

"Now what’s for lunch?”

And then I went to the CDC site here. But they don’t list Flu cases for 2021.


So I went to this CDC page where they list a summary of the 20-21 season.

On that page it states:

Flu activity was unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. During September 28, 2020–May 22, 2021 in the United States, 1,675 (0.2%) of 818,939 respiratory specimens tested by U.S. clinical laboratories were positive for an influenza virus.”

This is what the CDC said regarding the extremely low Flu season.  

What are possible explanations for the unusually low flu activity?

COVID-19 mitigation measures such as wearing face masks, staying home, hand washing, school closures, reduced travel, increased ventilation of indoor spaces, and physical distancing, likely contributed to the decline in 2020-2021 flu incidence, hospitalizations and deaths.”

But apparently these measures haven’t stopped the so-called Covid “pandemic!”

Sounds hypocritical to me, to say the least.

For those that would care to be informed about the "false flag” pandemic and the dangers of the so-called vaccines and would like to know more, the following links are very informative.


Dr. Dan Stock schools a school board. (6 min)


Dr. Dan Stock interviewed by Regina Meredith. (40 min)

Additional Excellent Resources

Corey's Digs - A site with a lot of resources and well worth subscribing to:-

"To better guide your search for information on all things related to Covid-19, a list of resources has been compiled below for each of the following categories: Medical, Legal, Forms & Letters, Jobs, and Critical Information on the Bigger Agenda."

Liar Liar

Meanwhile, Down Under - Australia

Graphene Oxide Removal

Suggested Protocol

Graphene Oxide Removal – A Protocol


A pdf document explaining the presence of graphene oxide in Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, its effects on the brain, and how to remove it using dietary supplements.

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