Subject: Beyond Biden - Earth Changes

Old Maps - New Future? Why are "They" Buying Millions of Acres?

Getting Beyond The Biden BS

He might play the tough guy with his comments about needing F15s and nukes to take on the government – but you can bet he has a bolthole somewhere that's a lot bigger than the basement he came out of.

But NOT a safe place, if the alternative media reports are anything to go by, including a comment I read somewhere, some time ago, that the BH (Black Hat) crew actually does have nukes – planted underground here and there around the globe, ready to activate and start tectonic plates moving, if they don't get their way.

Then again, I've also been assured by other sources that good ETs will never allow a nuclear war to occur on this planet – and there are military personnel on record, from way back, testifying to the fact that UFOs have been known to hover over military installations and deactivate nuclear missiles.

I even have it on record, in a documentary I directed called "Contact Has Begun - with James Gilliland" (available at current sale price on my website, US sales only, free postage:- )

But I'm digressing.

I was actually doing some research as a follow-up to the news that Bill Gates had bought yet another huge tract of land – the same Bill Gates who thinks we should all eat synthetic meat. So I wondered, is he buying land to remove it from being available to grow beef? Is it just another move in the Globalist plan to control the world food supply? Or does he plan to build an underground there?

Then I received the below image and link from a subscriber - and today's video is the result.

And PS - If you decide to buy the journalism course I have created, use the code

ONLY9 .99 at checkout and you'll get it for 90% off - along with a 30-day moneyback guarantee. This price is only good to July 1. So act now...and an honest review would be appreciated as well.

Links to the video are below the image.

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I do have a few left in stock on my website, for US sales only (even sending to Canada is super-expensive).

President Trump And The New World Order Now available again on Amazon

Check out "The Toronto Protocols – Then and Now"

How The 6.6.6. Planned The Great Reset

By Michael Knight (and Serge Monast – R.I.P.)


Michael Knight.

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