Subject: Barron's Birthday - In Pictures

For The Record

March 21, 2023

The Barron's Birthday

March 20, 2023

Special Notice To All Subscribers

I May Switch To A New Service

There is something very odd about the consistency with which my subscriber numbers hover around the same total.

It's almost like clockwork. A couple of new subscribers will come on board and within a week or 10 days one or two will unsubscribe - so the total stays very close to the same, all the time.

I am therefore exploring an alternative service, which means I would have to download your email address, and then upload it to the new service.

This then is an advisory. I'll let you know more in a day or so.

It would mean when (if) I make the shift, I will have to advise you who the new provider is, and ask you to watch out for an incoming email from that service.

This would also mean you'd need to check both your inbox, and your spam folder, just in case the email from the new provider gets sidetracked.

I am not too thrilled about having to consider a move, but I was suddenly banned by my previous service, and opted for this one after researching several others.

However, there really is something fishy about what's going on.

So my first move is to let you know what's up, then, in few days, I will download the entire list, and THEN I will question the current provider to see if they can explain this anomaly.

If they cannot do so dsatisfactorily, the move will go ahead.


First review!

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"And I truly LOVE the writer’s wit and sense of humor. PRICELESS!!

"It really is a FUN book to read! A big “BRAVO” to the author from me!

"Definitely looking forward to a sequel in the future!” Linda. 

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