Subject: Antarctic (Atlantis?) UFOs - 1947 -

Operation High Jump Battle

January 17 2022

Antarctica And Operation High Jump 1947

A Documentary

 Many many years ago I wrote an article about Admiral Richard Byrd's flying visit to the North Pole in 1926, and his report on his return that he had found an entryway there to inner earth.

I was able to find the above image on the Internet at the time, though I doubt that it can still be found these days. And this was before Photoshop or the sort of image editing software I have used to outline this huge indent at the North Pole.

I also wrote about the submarine USS Nautilus and its well publicised 1958 trip under the Arctic ice from the Bering sea to the Greenland sea.

At 11:15 p.m. EDT on August 3, 1958, Commander Anderson announced to his crew: “For the world, our country, and the Navy—the North Pole.”

The Nautilus passed under the geographic North Pole without pausing.


Was he telling the truth, or was that one of many psyops for public consumption?

Was the true intent of that voyage to find a way into the inner earth that Admiral Byrd had seen in 1926?

I mean, given that the Nautilus was a 3000-ton vessel and the first nuclear powered submarine, meaning it could stay submerged almost indefinitely, finding an underwater route from Alaska to Greenland hardly seems like best use of that awesomely advanced technology of the time.

I have since personally spoken with a retired submnariner who was aboard a later submarine trip under the Arctic ice.

I mentioned the Nautilus voyage to him and he responded by saying "Well, I've been around the world in 45 minutes."

How so?

His explanation was that their skipper told them they were circling the north pole, under the ice.

I didn't say it, but I did wonder, how would you, as a crewman in a windowless vessel, know for sure that the captain was telling the truth?

You wouldn't.


And then there are these images from the other end of the Earth.

Unfortunately I can't say where they first appeared or whether they are genuine.

But the one below is a genuine record of a German expedition to Antarctica in the 1930s, during which planes flew over a vast area of the continent, dropping flags every 25 kilometers to claim what they named Neu-Schwabenland.

This was during Hitler's rise to power.

But why would he be at all interested in claiming territory at the other end of the earth?

Especially on a continent that is supposedly the most inhospitable on the planet?

The answer to that question can be found in a Russian-made documentary about America's Operation High Jump - the expedition to the Antarctic led by Admiral Byrd in 1947.

It reports that in the closing months of World War Two, hundreds if not thousands of German scientists who were engaged in top secret work on the development of flying discs were transported by submarine to vast underground facilities - actually, under ICE caverns - at Neu-Schwabenland.

In 1947, Operation High Jump was put together by the US, involving an aircraft carrier, numerous planes and choppers, one or two submarines, and as many as 4700 personnel - about 4000 of them being Marines.

Marines do not do scientific expeditions, but, sold to the public as a planned six-month scientific expedition, the operation was called off after only two months in Antarctic waters.


Because, according to some graphic footage in this Russian documentary, they were attacked by super-fast flying discs that appeared suddenly out of the ocean, shot down their planes, and sank a couple of ships.

Images From Antarctica

It was these images, purportedly shot in Antarctica, which I used in my last newsletter, that got me thinking again about Operation High Jump.

And then, coincidentally (NOT) I received some information about the Russian documentary.

I had seen it many years back, but had lost track of it, until now.

The point is that - as I see it - images like these, and more frequent reports recently about military planes encountering UFOs - are part of a gradual disclosure to the wider public about the existence of and interaction with ETs from other planets and realms.

But not all of them have been the good guys.

In fact, I would say it was the bad guys who helped Hitler's scientists to develop flying discs, which they may well have perfected once they scarpered to the Antarctic.

But down there, I suspect, they also had help in 1947 from the aliens who were themselves using Hitler, and Germany, to try and really take over this planet.

It is those plans which we are now seeing out in the open - without the obvious presence of the blackhat ETs, who, according to various reports, have almost all now been evicted from this planet.

The documentary is at this link:-

And as a footnote - it was also in 1947 that a UFO crashed at Roswell, New Mexico, and America has been back engineering and building its own special craft ever since as well.

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