Subject: Alien Invasion FF? - Michael Essay

Space Spiders - Clif Essay

May 20, 2022

UFOs, or UAPs, And Secrets Revealed

Having seen more UFOs than I can count over the past 50-odd years, not to mention making a documentary about James Gilliland and the UFOs which we saw "power up" over his Mt Adams/Trout Lake property, I personally don't need any convincing about the reality of their existence.

I have also read a statement by Werner von Braun, an imported Nazi rocket specialist who became head of America's NASA space project. Before his death, he told Carol Rosin, the manager of Fairchild Industries, that those who want total control of this planet and its people would use a "space alien invasion" as their final trump card.

Dr Rosin says so in this video which is still on YouTube at

False Flag Invasion

Back in 2016, I wrote a newsletter about the Democrats having a card up their sleeve that they might play to ensure that Hillary Clinton became president.

I think it was then that I also found the claim by von Braun that such an event would be used.

The plan that the 2016 story enumerated, was to use holographic projections into the sky to convince the populace that this was real, while also using "super-soldiers" and other means on the ground to really kill people and create maximum panic and publicity.

Naturally, I was skeptical, because I had yet to find out how truly evil the Deep State is, and what unconscionable lengths they have gone to, literally over hundreds of years, in order

to control this world and its people completely.

However, my research revealed the following image of such technology being available at the time - although that was open to question, especially since such an invasion (so-called) never happened.

Holography Is Real

Now here we are in 2022 in a world in which holography is advancing at an incredible pace. This image of an alien created holographically was up on YouTube in 2017.

It's one thing to look at this subject in isolation, but quite another to see it within the context of the Deep State (Khazarian Mafia as Clif High calls them) agenda and their desire for world dominance.

Seen that way, alongside the absolute wealth of information available from unofficial sources, therefore likely more truthful sources than what we hear from the "experts" in government, we can at least wonder IF there will be a false flag holographically created event?

Another truly relevant question is "why is the government, after 50 years of silence, suddenly holding hearings on the subject of UFOs - or "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" (UAPs) as they have, for some reason, chosen to call them?

Are we now seeing what Clif High's web-crawling data suggested would be "secrets revealed" at this time in history?

If so, what's the purpose?

That story came out two days ago (on May 18 2022) saying "Congress held its first hearing in 50 years Tuesday on unidentified flying objects. And no, there is still no government confirmation of extraterrestrial life.

"Pentagon officials did not disclose additional information from their ongoing investigation of hundreds of unexplained sightings in the sky (but) The number of UAP sightings has significantly increased to approximately 400 from the 144 sightings reported between 2004 - 2021."

You might find this a bit strange, but the fact is that in my career as a journalist, I learned long ago to read a story several times and see how it resonated in my gut.

This one gives me a gut feeling that the hearing, and this report, are just smoke and mirrors; a cover for an ulterior motive. Whatever that is remains a mystery, for the moment, but it is fair to ask why investigative reporter Jeffrey Scott Shapiro said those UFOs "may be earthly -- and dangerous," created using laser-plasma technology. 

What does that mean?

He adds that "There's a patent for the space-enabled Warfare System Center Pacific where they are using laser-plasma technology to project holographic images that would project sort of a type of Unidentified Flying Object in the sky."



Shapiro then waffles on with the sort of statements a reporter finds he has to use, not because they're factual, but because that's all he got from the interview - so the reader can perhaps discern for himself that the interviewee was avoiding giving any straight answers. In other words, covering up or holding back on the truth.

Politicians and government hearings and inquiries are absolute masters at that, oftentimes aided by those they have called to question - such as the Pentagon personnel who showed a very grainy image of a UFO (UAP) as if that's all they've got after 400 different sightings over the years.

The pastor or minister they quoted stuck with the (stupid) story that we are the only species ever created by God, and the stars and the universe are only there to remind us of his love for us.

That made me wonder if he has ever read the Bible. Doesn't it say in the first book that the Elohim (a plural word) and Genesis 6:2 KJV: "That the sons of God (aka the Elohim - MK) saw the daughters of men that they were fairand they took them wives of all which they chose."

[Elohim in Genesis 1: God or Gods? | Biblical Christianity

Jan 9, 2012 — The Hebrew word elohim is grammatically a plural form, and in a couple hundred occurrences in the Old Testament does mean “gods.” However, about ...]

Even if we refuse to believe that the word Elohim is plural, how do we then explain the written reference to "the sons of God" which tells us there was more than ONE son of God - right there in the Bible?

No offense meant to any sincere believer - I'm just surprised to find a minister quoted in the mainstream saying we're the only human or humanoid species ever created. It just reinforced my conviction that the legacy media and those they quote are determined to keep people ignorant and therefore much easier to control, manipulate, enslave and exterminate.

This is what the Pentagon showed at the hearing. A single frame.

Yet it takes less than two minutes to use the search term "jets chase UFO" (no quotes) to find the following video on YouTube ( ) from which I have pulled two freeze frames.

This was posted in 2011, and it's not fake.

 However, judging by the relatively low speed of all three, it is possible that the "ufo" was either a genuine ET craft playing games with these F16s, OR a prototype top-secret US military disc, back-engineered from one of the genuine/real alien UFOs that had previously crashed on Earth, such as the one at Roswell in 1947.

Considering that in searching for this video I found it has been removed by several different outlets, I lean toward the idea that this was such a prototype.

As for this one, which I used on the back cover of this book, it is a freeze-frame I pulled from footage shot by Fox 10 shortly after President Trump's plane left New York for his inauguration.

It is not a top-secret made-in-America craft. However, it is probably still top-secret that he has met with ETs since becoming president - which Eisenhower did in his time as well.

I believe the book is still available in paperback on Amazon for $14.99, and as an ebook as well at only $4.99.

However, although a sale or two would be nice, I didn't start this letter in order to sell that book. The point has been to explore and in some ways expose the laggardly behavior of Congress and their Deep State co-conspirators (which is exactly what they are) when it comes to their sudden interest in UFOs.

There's a reason for it, and that is likely to be revealed in the coming months, which brings me to an essay by Clif High.

He does use colorful language, which I suppose under the First Amendment and freedom of speech is more than okay. However, I personally do a little cringing at the F word in print, no doubt because it was absolutely banned in print and on air throughout my career. Perhaps it is also because I got fired from my first newspaper job as a teenage copyholder because I used the word out loud during an altercation with a superior. I've used it a gazillion times since...

But I digress.

Here's Clif.


Holy Fuck, Batman! Space Aliens

clif high

May 19

There are a lot of shills, agents, dupes, and useful idiots in the media. Old, legacy media has such people wrapped in the cloak of authority due to their presentation, but they were, and are, still there, as shills, agents, dupes, and useful idiots.

Many of the shills in what we used to call the ‘alt media’, before it became The Media, use Bible Stories to illustrate their points & to try to shift the audience mental perceptions toward the Deep State agenda. Recently we have seen a new crop of female agents, shills, dupes, and useful idiots sprout up in support of the Deep State effort towards total control with a ‘social’ credit system, and their Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Others of the shills, including the new crop of females pushing the NESARA is good theme, are using stories about Space Aliens to push the agenda forward. As it seems from listening to them, various ‘races’ (why are they not called species?) from other planets are secretly working behind the scenes to bring forward the ‘good’ form of CBDC such as NESARA, rather than the bad form which is the CCP social credit system. Yeah, like what is in it for the Space Aliens? Are we to think that Space Aliens from Arcturus give a crap about money? And our understanding of it?

Of course, we note now, that NESARA is the CCP system with another name. Again, an example of the Kharzarian Mafia defaulting to name-stealing. The combined themes of NESARA and GESARA, are frequently linked to the mythical QFS, though recently the amounts of words put towards the QFS label is falling dramatically. Probably due to pushback against all the social credit schemes across the globe, and perhaps the revealed links, formerly hidden, between the QFS, and its creators, the WEF (the core Khazarian Mafia organization of this moment). Yes, the Khazarian Mafia created the QFS.

 All of these scams are also being linked to XRP/Ripple, which is the quasi-crypto currency created by the Khazarian Mafia Banks to replace their failing Swift system. The shills link their bullshit stories to XRP as it has no block chain supporting the ‘digital coin’, and is therefore not able to be monitored, thus, like the dollar, or the fake ‘stable-coin’ ,Tether, there is no accountability for amounts. Basically they can create their XRP tokens as they need to harvest money from the public by way of their dupes, shills, and useful idiots.

Included in the category of useful idiot, IMO, is Kerry Cassidy who loves to pimp out other peoples ‘truths’ even when the stories are clearly bullshit. Her mind is caught by their fantasies & she repeats them ad nauseum to support the agenda of the moment. She frequently ‘interviews’ many of the shills, dupes, agents, and other, useful idiots.

Kerry, and the Story Tellers, the shills, dupes, and useful idiots will all be changing over this Summer and into Fall. This is an effect of the [KM] needing to bring out their Space Alien Reveal.

Space Aliens are one of the last of the Khazarians’ planned Grand Deceptions. This is one of the most dangerous information weapons for them to deploy as the central theme is quite factual.

As we have seen from the recent hearing by Congress about ‘encounters’ with UFO’s (aka UAPs), the Khazarians are needing to expend more real information to try to maintain control of the narrative.

The [KM] is going to fail with their Space Alien Reveal. The failure should be quite spectacular. The Reveal itself will be exciting, and puzzling, both to the normies, as well as the cadre of shills in the woo-woo world of the internet. Kerry and her ‘interviewees’, as well as the Pleadian, and other ‘space races’ story tellers, will all have to redo their approach as the ‘truth’ is brought out by the [KM] in the form of ‘official government sources’.

The officialdom agents of the [KM] are having to provide some amount of factual information to support their new distraction of the Space Aliens, which is designed to remove the normie attention from the many crimes of the [KM] including global election theft, global human trafficking and harvest, and many others.

These facts being brought out, as in the recent Congressional Hearing about UFO’s are even now altering the narrative. Noting that numbers are hugely important to the [KM], the military testimony in the hearing revealed that we have over 400, confirmed, and unexplained encounters with ‘the phenomena’ in just the last decade. These are ONLY military encounters, and include none of the civilian reports.

The Story Tellers are going to have to rework their material to keep up with the actual secrets that will be exploding over this Summer. The issue for both the Story Tellers, and the [KM], is that some, seemingly minor points within the greater Space Alien (UFO) Reveal, will be breaking open, other, older, narratives going back thousands of years.

This will include ALL the Bible stories. It will have a big impact on people like Juan O’Savin. All of the stories that he uses as illustrations are NOT in the Bible, and even now he could validate that, BUT, soon it will not matter, as the officialdom reveal of Space Aliens will be taking down the Bible narrative as it comes out that the ‘gods’ spoken of within it, are a specifically identifiable group of Space Aliens, and not ‘gods’ at all.

Further it will be obvious that the audience for the Old Testament of the Bible, the Torah, was entirely focused on a single, smallish, tribe of humans. The book had been warped over time to support a global psychological operation on the part of the [KM].

The Khazarian Mafia needs THE BIG REVEAL to try to offset, distract from, and distort, the information in the form of facts, and the receipts of the crimes, which are being exposed more each day. Their problem is that their centuries of name-stealing is entirely dependent on secrecy, the veil of which will be pierced by the Space Alien Reveal.

The Khazarians are just hoping to be able to contain the chaos as the process of the Space Alien Reveal proceeds.

They won’t be able to control the spill-over effect from their breaking the Secrecy barrier put into place all centuries back. The Secrets Revealed phase will be spreading across Humanity like gasoline spilled on water. Once ignition happens, it will be impossible to quench.

Space Aliens, at least the talk about them, will be busting out all over this Summer. As a result, people such as Kerry Cassidy, and her Story Tellers, will be enjoying something of a revival of interest that will be intense, but exceedingly brief, as officialdom, and especially the various Military forces around the planet will need to explicitly crush the bullshit out of the public consciousness as the Reveal proceeds.

It will be impossible for there to be military control of the many, goofy, fantasy stories put out there by the Story Tellers over these decades of the last century, unless there is quantified, and qualified, information coming out from ‘officialdom sources’, that is actually backed up by military receipts.

This will happen. The various military commands globally will rapidly discover a need to take control by trashing the many bullshit stories out there. The officialdom Reveal will be forced by exploding memes & circumstances, including many ‘panic’ episodes, to get ‘hard data’, aka ‘receipts’ out in the public domain.

We will see videos, still pictures, reports, data, and numbers pouring out in support of the officialdom version of UFO/UAP, and the Space Aliens behind them. It will be quite chaotic, and IMO, fun to watch as officialdom fights for dominance in the woo-woo world powering social media.

The Military will be none too gentle in slapping down the stories about the Pleadians, the Spider Beings from Mars (or where-the-fuck-ever they are supposedly from in the delusional minds of the claimed ‘whistle blowers’). It will be brutal. This will be necessary. The global Military that is cognizant of the facts about UFO’s/UAP’s will need to get beyond the Story Teller’s bullshit as rapidly as possible JUST to try to contain the damage to the social order globally.

Think about it. The minute that UFO’s are qualified, and begin to be quantified, that is, enumerated, there are hard facts in people’s minds. This will lead, in the normal course of things, to the Story Tellers all jumping up & down, shouting, yelling, whooping, and telling the normies that “I WAS RIGHT” about Spider Beings, or Black Goo, or even worse, about Space Alien AI getting sucked (up) your ass during a fart!

That’s the real problem, for the Military. The bullshit will instantly get a brief flurry of increased belief support. They can’t have that. For a lot of reasons. Including that UFOs are increasing in their appearances here on earth & that enumeration is freaking out the Military, as well as the [KM].

First up, the Military KNOWS that the Reveal will lead to the greatest Gun Buying Spree ever in history.

It will go something like this: first the Military announces real numbers of encounters. This triggers the ‘Well, dayam & hmmm’ thought in many normies. The normie population starts thinking, UFOs lead to Space Aliens which leads to them listening to all the shouting Story Tellers which leads the normies to the shocking thought that HOLY FUCK! MAYBE THESE STORIES ARE REAL!

This, in its turn, prompts the normie to discover Space Alien abductions, and other nefarious plots. Further, the normie is now listening to stories from people claiming that giant Spider Beings from Mars have taken over the Lake District in England! Holy Fuck Indeed!

This naturally leads every mother’s son to wanting at least one gun, and preferably some hand grenades, or RPG’s, as accompanying armaments, after all, Volkswagen sized Spider Beings are gonna need more than a 9mm bullet to finish them off! The normies saw Independence Day! They know now!

The response by the Military will, indeed, be brutal on the Story Tellers. It will likely come down to some of the more egregious Story Teller’s having visits from very unpleasant men who will dispense harsh words with authority.

The Military response to the BS Story Teller’s will be most interesting as humanity gets into the phase where the [KM] is having to do their delicate dance around the Elohim, and the records of their interaction with humans.

These records, the Old Testament/Torah, will be getting a fresh new read by the normies, which is going to do to most of the religions what the Joseph Smith fraud in creating the Book of Abraham is doing to the Mormon church.

Humanity will also have to examine science in the light of the enumeration of the UFO/UAP appearances. No longer can such things as ‘evolution’ be taken as a theory to be applied to humans. In fact, evolution will die as an area of academic interest, as will all such ‘theories’ promulgated in the absence, and the denial, of the Space Alien presence here on earth.

The Summer will be chaotic, and really fucking interesting.

Better stock up on ammo. Sure, the Military will destroy the Spider Beings from Mars bullshit stories, but that still leaves the actual, enumerated, visits by WooTheFuckKnows in their zippy UAPs.

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