Subject: Abe Assassination Analyzed

My new video proves.......

10 hours work for a 5 minute video?


But first, a welcome to new subscribers. While I do not know what level of knowledge people have - and many might know a lot more than me - I do my best to remember that my reports should be structured in a way that they convey information to everyone.

I also encourage readers to feel free to pass these on. Sometimes you might risk a bit of a backlash or some disagreement, but in this case, the video is just a straightforward analysis of what the mainstream media says is the assassination of former Japanese Prtime Minister Shinto Abe.

The mainstream media report which I have used certainly gives the impression that the assassination attempt was successful.

BUT - having had decades as a repoorter in television, and as a recreational hunter which involved hand loading hundreds of rounds of ammunition, I had to say when I first saw it, that I had NEVER seen or heard ANY cartridge sound like a BIG firecracker, and blow smoke in a 20ft cloud.

That got me started, and by the time I was finished, there were a lot of other anomalies hiding in the freeze-frames that I extracted to make this report.



All the best.

Michael Knight.

I hear the garden calling:-)

If you only pick one or two of the free pdf documents I have written over the years (as listed below), I'd recommend the Graphene Oxide removal protocol (if you have any concerns about having been vaxxed). It's a transcript of a video by the Spanish scientists who first brought this issue to the public attention, and includes their tested recommendations on how to resolve that issue.

The other would be Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. It helps to understand much of what is going on around the world at present.

And then (not listed here) is the "Toronto Protocols." There's a nominal price on that one in the shop. It is lengthy and lists many of the ways in which the Cabal (the NWO/WEF people) carefully planned years ago to do exactly what they're doing now.

They have infiltrated governments, education systems, health departments, child care services (as a cover for child trafficking) and much more.

Once you have downloaded any of these pdf documents, you are also free to pass on copies to others (no charge at all). They don't pick up viruses in transmission, and the original stays on your computer.

While none of my videos or any of these reports are likely to go viral, the mere act of making them freely available, and with you helping by passing them on, adds just a little to the growing knowledge base which is so badly needed in order to prevent the Cabal from achieving their really awful ambitions.


There is no obligation - but you'd probably enjoy the short video that explains why I started incorporating a donation option. Mostly because Amazon banned two of my best-selling books and cut my income to almost zero.

Donations at FundRazr

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