Subject: 2 Shockers Re Trump

And Looking Glass Vid

August 27 2022

They Say Trump Has Been Trapped

"Once again, the independent media called this out well in advance, warning that President Trump was walking right into a trap by promoting covid vaccines and taking credit for rolling them out so quickly via Operation Warp Speed. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead from the vaccines -- with millions injured -- the "Trump trap" is being sprung."

That's the opening paragraph from an article by Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger."

As I replied to a subscriber who brought this to my attention, "this one is a shocker. It's about Trump pushing the vax (which he often has) and says he has walked himself into a trap. 

"We know the guy is Houdini on steroids, but this one makes me think that this time he's at the bottom of the Hudson and he might have lost the key. 

NAH! Can't happen! ???

(Remember, Freedom of Speech ... it doesn't mean we have to agree with everyone. In this case, there's also this past Q post to wonder about.)

In other words, who is trapping who?

How much greater would the injury and death toll have been if Clinton had been elected and the Deep State had been able to carry on with their plan to depopulate the planet AND start a nuclear war?

As they say, "War Is Hell." It just so happens that we are in a very unconventional war right now.

That link again:-

From the Epoch Times - Commentary, including Kushner's role.

"Thanks to several journalistic accounts, we have a better idea of what went on in the White House before the dreadful March 16, 2020, press conference of Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci, and Deborah Birx in which the lockdowns were announced. Along with that came a flier with tiny print about which the ever-trusting Trump apparently knew nothing: “bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”

Stargate and Looking Glass

I have uploaded this short video to my Bitchute channel. It may perhaps be a welcome antidote to the above shock factor ....

"Project Looking Glass was the Real Deal. It revealed the Future, which we are living now - the final moves in a great game of chess."

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