Subject: Nurse Entrepreneurs-Tips, Opportunities & Resources ~ NNBA Newsletter

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Presidents Corner                     October 1, 2015

One Nurse’s Message
If you think one nurse with a message doesn’t matter, think again. At last count, five sponsors have pulled their ads from “The View”. The remarks made by The View panel galvanized nurses into action. Nurses that normally would not engage in social media fiercely responded to the disrespect of one of our own and, more widely, the profession of nursing. I do believe that nurses are at their tipping point and the nursing profession will see more positive outcomes in the days, weeks, and years to come.
Staying with the Message
The NNBA has been delivering the same message since our grass roots beginning in 1985. To encourage, empower and educate nurses toward the autonomous use of their nursing education and experience. Independent nurse business owners are able to have more freedom, flexibility and the ability for increased income. In addition, the NNBA also provides a collegial network of support and rich resources for nurse entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. 
30th Anniversary!
I am currently in Las Vegas for our 30th Anniversary! Hundreds of examples of nurse owned businesses will be provided with a 2 day experience filled with value for our members and aspiring, even inquiring, nurse entrepreneurs. At each of these conferences, I have seen some amazing connections, partnerships and friendships. Comment after comment, I’ve heard of many having a “aha” moment that shapes the trajectory of their future business. It’s not too late for those of you in the Las Vegas vicinity, check out this link This truly is a one of a kind event for nurses, and if you aren’t able to make it this year, make sure to mark your calendar for next year! 
Conference Info 
Many of you have emailed me inquiring if the information from the conference is going to be recorded. We do not plan to record either audio or video of the conference. There are a few reasons for this. The expense to provide a high quality audio or video recording would require the NNBA to raise the prices substantially and we do everything possible to make this an affordable conference. Second, there is no way to capture the excitement of a live event. 

Additionally, recording doesn’t allow for us to share the greatest benefit of the conference- the camaraderie of nurses that are like-minded, supportive and encouraging of each other’s success. I promise to share pictures on the website and in upcoming newsletters!

Nurse Entrepreneurship is growing! The ripple effect of what the NNBA has brought to the forefront is being felt by more colleges and universities that are starting to offer nurse entrepreneurship programs. This is a good step for the nursing profession; a tenet the NNBA has believed in all along.

See you in the Crown Room!
Unconventionally yours,

Articles of Interest
Want to communicate with clarity? Use these 3 easy phrases

Get in Front Communications
I was raised on sarcastic one-liners that resembled a stand-up comedy routine. It was an interesting way to grow up. When I got older and started working in radio news, my mind and ear were trained for sound bites. Quotes. What short, punchy gems would be spoken that could drive a message home?  
7 Lessons From Entrepreneurs Who Kept Their Day Jobs While Starting Their Businesses

Entrepreneur Magazine
Keeping your day job while starting a business has its advantages. Aside from the steady income and free coffee, reliable full-time work helps you flesh out your résumé and portfolio and extend your professional network. Even better, working for someone else gives you a front-row view of the best (and worst) ways to run...
9 Surprising Moments When Great Ideas Happen

Inc. Magazine
Contrary to popular belief, innovative ideas don’t come from hard work and long hours. The best product ideas pop into people’s heads at moments when they least expect it.

This post (with excerpts from a fascinating infographic from the U.K.-based business printers myprint247) describes nine common “idea generating” activities.
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NNBA Members Spotlight
Pat Iyer, MSN, RN, LNCC

Pat is a legal nurse consultant who has been helping attorneys since 1987. Her contributions to the field of legal nurse consulting include:
  • serving as president of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consulting (AALNC),
  • being the chief editor of Legal Nurse Consulting: Principles and Practice (2nd edition), the core curriculum for legal nurse consulting (published by AALNC),
  • being the chief editor of Business Principles for Legal Nurse Consultants (published by AALNC),
  • serving as the chief editor of AALNC’s online legal nurse consulting course (first edition).
Mrs. Iyer is the only legal nurse consultant in the country who has been honored by AALNC two years in a row. She was given AALNC’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005 and Volunteer of the Year Award in 2006.

Mrs. Iyer is a certified legal nurse consultant, having earned certification from AALNC. The LNCC credential is the only legal nurse consulting certification that meets the standards of other nursing certifications and the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNS) and is open only to legal nurse consultants who are experienced.

No other medical legal consultant has written as much as Mrs. Iyer. A prolific author, Pat Iyer has written or edited over 180 books, chapters, online courses, articles, and case studies.

Are you ready to launch your legal nurse consulting business? Are you stuck in a growth phase and need help moving forward? Patricia Iyer provides individualized consulting for legal nurse consultants who need help launching or expanding their businesses. For more information on Pat Iyer see

Lighten Up...
Living Your Best Life
NNBA President, Michelle Podlesni will 
be speaking at NHCGNE 15th Annual Academic Leadership Conference on November 17 - 18, 2015 in Orlando, FL. 

To our nurse members and subscribers, thank you for taking part in delivering the message that nurses make great business owners, leaders and mentors! Please share this newsletter with nurses that you know and care about.

NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 10.0
Michelle Podlesni, RN - Editorial Director –
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director –
Gina Palmer - Contributing Editor –
Hilda Johnson - Advertising –
Bloom Service Group, LLC, P.O. Box 777951, Henderson, NV 89052, United States
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