Subject: NNBA News ~ 2022 Call for Speakers! ~ Better Than Social Media ~ Telehealth Nursing

President's Corner
October 15, 2021
Dear Nurses,

Nurses are no longer willing to accept limits placed on the course of their careers. From nurse entrepreneurs and innovators, to nurses creating new paths as clinicians and educators, we are re-framing an exciting future! As evaluations and hundreds of comments come in from nurses experiencing the excellent content from our 2021 speaker’s sessions, we are already planning next year’s conference. We believe in nurse business owners and helping nurses succeed in business by providing a wealth of information on entrepreneurship, business development, and emerging opportunities for nurses. Here is the information and link for #NNBA2022 Call for Speakers: note the deadline is November 30th, 2021.

After Facebook went down for several hours last Monday, many people are re-evaluating their use of social media. Our first article of interest below, Why Email Marketing is Better Than Social Media is timely and important for nurse business owners. I have written how merger and acquisition activity affects the nursing profession here: acquisition activity is a longstanding concern in healthcare, and it continues to increase. How Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Patients and Consumers cascades into nursing at the frontlines of patient care. During the conference, I cited the top industries with the fastest job growth projected for the next ten years. Half were in healthcare, and half were in technology. One of those areas of projected growth was Telehealth. Steps to Become a Telehealth Nurse provides an excellent summary of what it takes.
The ANA Innovation Awards highlight, recognize, and celebrate nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety outcomes. Awards will be presented to a nurse and a nurse-led team whose product, program, project, or practice best exemplify nurse-led innovation in patient safety and/or outcomes. You have until October 31st for a submission and can find more information here: ANA Innovation Awards

A few reminders!
  • NNBA members, be sure that you have joined the NNBA Nurse Entrepreneurship Community out on Facebook. Here’s the link:
  • For NNBA 2021 Conference registrants, you have until October 31st to view and listen to the entire conference. Each session is eligible for contact hours upon your completion of the evaluation.
  • Save the Dates and stay tuned for future announcements on the NNBA 2022 Conference, back to in-person, July 21- 23, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada!
Thank you nurses; your NNBA 2021 evaluations and comments have been amazing!

Unconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2021 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here to JOIN:
Articles of Interest
Why Email Marketing is Better Than Social Media

Entrepreneur Magazine
How Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Patients and Consumers
Steps to Become a Telehealth Nurse
With the dominance of social media marketing, sending traditional, plain text emails might seem old-fashioned. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, when it comes to bringing in new customers and keeping old ones engaged and profitable - email marketing is more powerful than ever.

Even though new technology springs up every day, having an email list is still one of the best ways to generate leads, build awareness, make sales and increase conversions. Neglect email as part of your digital marketing strategy, and you’ll be missing out on a ton of potential business
Over the past few years, health systems have been expanding their avenues.

In 2010, there was a sharp spike in the numbers of hospital mergers and acquisitions.

It continued throughout the decade, with immense growth and several high-profile transactions.

Even in 2020, when the pandemic hit, and when health systems adapted to find new ways to provide quality care to patients during COVID-19, numerous organizations still engaged in healthcare merger and acquisition deals.
Telehealth nursing utilizes technology, specifically video conferencing, to deliver nursing care to remote locations that may not otherwise have access to medical care. It’s also rising in demand right now due to COVID-19. There’s never been a better time to consider a career in telehealth nursing and this guide will explain everything you need to know about it.

What is a Telehealth Nurse?

Telehealth nurses are Registered Nurses that use telecommunication technology such as video, phone, email, and messaging to provide high-quality care to patients.
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NNBA News - Volume 21; Number 10.5
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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