Subject: Conference Highlights ~Success Articles~ NNBA News

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President's Corner

Conference Highlights

NNBA 30th Anniversary Conference highlights include:
  • More than 15 sessions presented by today’s leading nurse entrepreneurs, industry experts, and inspirational business leaders. For a full list of sessions and speakers, visit:
  • Nationally acclaimed speaker, educator, and serial entrepreneur Dr. Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio will provide Saturday’s Keynote Address, “Making a Million in Nursing”
  • Professional nurse humorist and recording artist Deb Gauldin presents Sunday’s Keynote Address, “Nuts About Nurse Entrepreneurship or Just Plain Nuts”
  • Three preconference workshops offering attendees additional insight into career alternatives and essential entrepreneur and business skills
  • 12.0 eligible contact hours
  • Opportunities to discover and obtain: emerging opportunities in the new healthcare landscape, information on how to transition to independent nursing or a nurse entrepreneur, ideas for your own nursing business, and more
From Burnout to Bliss!™ Seminar in Pittsburgh

Dr. Renee Thompson and I will be presenting From Burnout to Bliss!™ Seminar on July 15th. This seminar is designed to teach nurses the essential skills needed for success in today’s complex world. Nurses will learn business skills and communication strategies that result in advancement, achievement and a fulfilling nursing career. This seminar provides 3.5 contact hours and you can learn more by clicking on the ad below. Please share this opportunity with the nurses you know living in the Tristate area.
Diversified Income Streams ~ Business Success Tip for all Nurses

The first time I heard about diversified income streams was in relation to having investments spread out and not to having all your eggs in one basket. Nurses, today more than ever, need to re-frame this investment advice and apply it towards the context of their employment. When you attend NNBA’s Annual Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives Conference, you are protecting your income by learning a variety of monetizing opportunities in case a few of your eggs crack. Becker’s Hospital Review just announced that Kentucky and Kansas were likely closing 30 of its rural hospitals.

By learning different ways of monetizing your nursing education and experience you can make additional money by writing about what you love, selling products you love and solving problems that you care about! Many of our speakers and our members are doing just that and would love to share with nurses the how you can make money from multiple sources at the same time.
You do not want to miss this event, not only will you see, hear, meet and network with some of the most successful nurses in business, you will have the opportunity to win big prizes, earn CEs, and see Elvis because he has not left the building!
Click on Elvis to register and we will see you there!

Unconventionally yours,


Want to network with nurses, leaders and mentors?  Our membership ranges 
from novices to experts in business. Join us at!
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Articles of Interest

Forget the Poker Face, Try a Chess Face | Success Magazine

When international grandmaster Maurice Ashley, author of Chess for Success talks about chess, it’s easy to think he’s talking about business instead of the game he loves so much.

“Even the great world champions know the pressure with every move,” says the Kingston, Jamaica, native who moved to Brooklyn, New York, when he was 12. “They know it’s all about being in this moment, not worrying about the result.”

Now on the other side of the table, so to speak, Ashley commentated the U.S. Chess Championships in St. Louis this month, where America’s elite chess players battled for the title of U.S. Champion, $175,000 in prize money and qualification for the World Championship.

“As businesspeople, are we doing the best we can right this second?” Ashley asks, looking across the sea of chessboards, which makes you think business is on his mind as much as chess is. “If we add up all the ‘best we can do right now moments,’ then we’ll get results we deserve.” Just like the best chess players do.

So what’s your best move—as a professional, a leader, an employee? Here’s how to make all the right moves—on and off the chessboard—straight from Ashley’s playbook:

1. Create a diverse team. One of the biggest mistakes chess players make, Ashley says, involves relying on their own impressions as facts.“Just because you think one thing doesn’t mean it’s true,” he explains. “Don’t surround yourself with people who say ‘yes’ all the time.”
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How to Engage Your Email Subscribers | Entrepreneur Magazine 

You know what they say about first impressions. They’re a one-shot deal. Your initial outreach to people who subscribe to your email marketing campaign is no exception. The opportunity knocks once in an inbox. If you don’t hit your first email to new subscribers out of the park, it’s likely the “unsubscribe” graveyard for you.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all way to guarantee that your email list subscribers will stick around long after opting in, there are a few smart steps you can take -- in your very first email to them -- to boost the chances that they do. And we’re not talking the lazy, generic “Thanks for subscribing. Here, have this coupon.” approach. You have dig deeper.

Crafting and sending an effective welcome email involves several carefully executed steps. From tweaking the wording of your subject line to avoiding spam trigger words, from writing persuasive body copy to hitting “send” at just the right moment, there’s a lot you can do to develop an engaging, high-impact first email. Doing so helps to start your relationship with fresh subscribers off on the right foot, and, ideally, for the long haul.   Read More

    How Bobby Flay Built a Sizzling Empire | Inc. Magazine

    Before Bobby Flay was a Food Network star, he was the enterprising chef behind New York City's esteemed Mesa Grill. Since then, his company, Bold Food, has launched 27 restaurants, including Bolo, Bar Americain, and several Bobby's Burger Palace locations, which together employ close to 1,500 people. And Flay, 50, has become a household name by hosting more than a dozen Food Network shows. Last year, he dipped back into Manhattan's culinary scene with a new Mediterranean restaurant, Gato. No matter how much is on his plate, Flay is happiest when he's whipping up something new.

    My family has lived in New York City for five generations, maybe longer. I grew up in Manhattan and went to basically every Catholic school in New York, until I dropped out of high school.

    My first job was at a restaurant called Joe Allen. It's still there, actually. It's not necessarily known for its food. Its fame is based on its being in the theater district. I worked as the busboy for a couple of weeks. As I was walking out one day, the chef asked if I wanted to work in the kitchen. I said, "Sure." They taught me how to use a knife, how to make a salad, and how to make a dressing.   Read More

    Mistakes that Keep Women Stressed and Unwell | NNBA Member Lisbeth Overton’s Blog

    As a culture, we live so habitually. We go from one day to the next without much INTENTION or AWARENESS about what is happening moment to moment. As a result, we loose so much of the opportunity to NOTICE the nuances which could be anything from joy to a signal from our body that something is not right. For many of us, what this looks like over time is a total disconnect between mind and body. We are whole by nature, so when we live in a way that honors “all parts of us”, we are much more likely to thrive in health and happiness. I chose three categories to demonstrate how we sabotage our own health which keeps us stuck in chronic stress and in poor health.

    1. Time Vampires: Time is really the only constant for all. We each have twenty four hours in a day. Most of us wish for more time. People who are not living INTENTIONALLY tend to fall into one of two camps, the “auto-pilots” and the “multitaskers”. The auto-pilots are checked out and not much registers with them or gets their attention. The multitaskers assume since they are doing multiple things simultaneously, that they are super efficient. Studies show that the opposite is true. When we multitask and frequently get interrupted, we become less efficient. Regardless of which camp you fall into, neither approach is very fulfilling and keeps the body in chronic stress mode which will eventually catch up with you in the form of (dis)ease.  
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    Living your best life...
    You Don't Want to Miss This!
    October 2 - 4, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada
    Bring your friends, we're having a party to celebrate 
    NNBA's 30th Annual Nurse Entrepreneurship Conference.
    NNBA Members Spotlight
    Renee Thompson
    DNP, RN, CMSRN, CEO and President of RTConnections, LLC

    Dr. Renee Thompson is a true champion for nurses. After more than 25 years as a nurse, nurse educator and nurse executive, Renee has become one of our country’s leading authorities on nurse bullying, promoting healthy work environments and transitioning into professional practice.

    Dr. Renee Thompson is the CEO and President of RTConnections, LLC and has been repeatedly published, interviewed, and awarded for her work to educate, connect and inspire current and future nurses. Renee is the published author of, “Do No Harm” Applies to Nurses Too!, and Celebrating Nursing: Human by Birth – Hero by Choice, and speaks internationally to healthcare organizations and academic institutions motivating her audience at keynote addresses, professional conferences, workshops, and seminars. Her presentations and seminars focus on eliminating nurse-to-nurse bullying, effective communication and leadership, building a positive and healthy workplace, transitioning into professional practice and nurturing a culture of respect.

    To stay connected with nurses, Renee continues to practice as a bedside nurse. To learn more about Renee visit her website.
    NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 5.0
    Michelle Podlesni, RN - Editorial Director –
    Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director –
    Gina Palmer - Contributing Editor –
    Hilda Johnson - Advertising –
    Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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