Subject: Standing Again

Dear Friends, 

I am writing this personal letter in the frankest possible way to share with you the most recent development. Rather than “cut and run” in the face of political adversity, like a coward, I intend to stand my ground and allow my name, together with that of my friend Dan Hannan, to go forward for the next European election. I am not prepared to desert the party that has kept Britain free for 200 years - not now in its hour of need.

A collapse in the Conservative vote at the Euro Election would propel Jeremy Corbyn into office. Our party might never recover. We would have opened the door to a Marxist-Leninist Labour Party that would ruin Britain like a locust swarm. One automatically will lead to the other. There will not be a Conservative revival immediately after a Conservative collapse at the Euro Elections. That is not how politics works.

In the cold light of day, it was the House of Commons and not the Government, that totally messed up the exit process. The Opposition MPs are not prepared to implement the referendum result. The Commons voted to oppose “no deal”, preventing Britain from simply walking out. Labour and the LibDem MPs threw away our negotiating strength. 

I know that many of you want to punish someone for this mess. But it would be a mistake to collapse the Conservatives - the one party in a position to make an orderly Brexit happen. Not a single UKIP MEP can influence the Brexit process which is entirely in the hands of the House of Commons and its MPs. What we MEPs think, say or do about Brexit does not further a deal in the British Parliament.

So, I am writing to plead with you to return Conservative MEPs, who will support and defend an orderly Brexit. No other party can do this. Labour and the LibDems are now openly striving to overturn the referendum result. UKIP and Farage say that we should "send a message". But we sent a message in June 2016. What we now need to do is to IMPLEMENT that policy, and that is something that no force in the land can do except the Conservative Party. What we have lacked is the numbers to vote it through. That's what we now need.

So please think carefully of how you vote when the postal ballots are opened in early May or when you go to the Polls on the 23rd of May. The future of our country is in your hands.

With all my kindest good wishes,

As ever,
I will be back in touch with you again very soon.  In the meantime you can check my website for regular updates and if I can be of any assistance to you on anything raised here or anything else for that matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Best wishes,
Nirj Deva MEP
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