Subject: Youtube + free traffic + your business: does it work?


If you had your OWN television channel, just broadcasting YOU and your marketing message to a global audience of MILLIONS of people... you think that you could:

a) drive more traffic?
b) build a stronger brand?
c) sell more products?
d) make more money?

Of course you could!

You're about to discover the KEY to getting more free traffic than you could possibly handle - starting in just a few minutes...

How you can get a LOT of free, targeted traffic, using the combined power of YouTube and Google.

This system, pioneered and created by Pete Froud (a retired police officer), has been built to work WITHIN the rules laid out by Google and YouTube, to ensure that you can't get your accounts banned or your videos 'slapped' - a result which many marketers have faced over the years.

Pete has discovered a method to create simple but powerful videos, upload them to YouTube and achieve front page rankings on both Google and YouTube very quickly - often within minutes. This is no longer a pipe dream, as Pete proves in this fantastic video course.

With over 4billion video views on YouTube every single day, it's no wonder that it's rapidly becoming one of the most used search engines every day, used by regular people to hunt down information on every niche known to man.

This makes it a VERY powerful marketing channel for any business, online OR offline. The system is simple:

1) Create a short video, either giving content or marketing a product

2) Upload the video to YouTube

3) Follow a simple optimisation process, based on the ranking algorithms of Google and YouTube

4) Add annotations and links to your target website

5) Watch the video views soar, the traffic roll in and the money roll in.

Fortunately, Rob & Pete's program walks you through literally every single step of this process from start to finish.

And the good news is that Pete shares how to do literally every step of this process in his latest product, "The Video Cash Formula". It's an easy to follow (and implement!) course to help you get the rankings and the traffic that you need.

So what does "Video Cash Formula" consist of?

I'm not sure where to start on this comprehensive and powerful course. Pete has covered literally everything that he knows about YouTube ranking into this fantastic 7-module program.

Each module builds directly on the teaching of the one before, so that you can see precisely what order you need to everything in. You'll learn both the theory (the "what and why") and the practical application (the "how and where") for everything you need to do, with quality which is rare these days.

The videos are very easy to follow, with a combination of PowerPoint slide videos and screencast videos, actually showing you how to do everything. The videos will play on any computer or iPad, iPhone or other digital device, which means you can study this 'on the go'.

I particularly love that Pete has also included the worksheets, PowerPoint slides and a ton of other PDF material to support your learning. It's clear that there has been a lot of attention to detail and a lot of care taken in the preparation of this course.

Pete's enthusiasm for this system and using YouTube for mass traffic generation is clear. The process is very simple but very effective, so don't let it's ease of use fool you. You can see from Pete's results and case studies just how incredible the results can be.

YouTube is clearly a very strong marketing channel which all businesses should be using to establish their branding, build credibility, give fantastic content and get a ton of traffic to their websites and offers.

The only problem with this course is the price. It's SO low that you are probably going to think there's a catch or something missing... but I have to say that there really isn't. Pete has really given away the farm in this course and if his other products are even half as good as this then he's going to have an incredibly successful future.

For this incredible price, you can get one of the most comprehensive video marketing and traffic generation courses that I have ever seen. This will be great for total newbies and established marketing veterans alike!

As if that wasn't enough, there is also a 30-day money back guarantee. That gives you a full month to try this out with ZERO risk. You really have nothing to lose with this incredible product.

Click the button below to learn more:
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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