Subject: LAST CHANCE: Build YOUR List With Other People's Sites [software]


A few days ago I sent you an email about a crazy new software that lets you build a list, generate income, and “steal” authority simply by copying and pasting your favorite content from around the web...

Well, I wanted to email you again today to give you one last chance to claim your copy of the software before it closes.

Note #1: use this coupon to get $10 off - "cliks10off"

Note #2: There are some bonuses up for grabs, I'll list them down at the bottom of this email, and you can check them out here: Your Bonus Software Here

Here’s the deal, if you want to make money online but you don’t want to create content you really only have three choices:

~ You provide services to other businesses (yuck…)
~ You pick up this piece of software and start sharing viral content with your links embedded inside...
~ You just don’t make money online...

The choice is pretty clear don’t you think?

That's the short version, here's the longer explanation of what this can do for you:

#1: Never Loose a Visitor Again

Once you share content on any of the top social sites, that visitor is lost to you, but using Cliks IT you can share the content and still keep the visitor. You can still advertise to that visitor even after they have clicked on your shared content.

#2: Make Your Content Go Viral

Making your content go viral has never been easier than using Cliks IT to track exactly what your visitors like and what they share. Full profile for all users who click on anything you share from location to browser and more.

#3: Engage With Lost Visitors

Engage with your lost visitors, if they have clicked on the latest content you have shared. You know instantly that visitor is interested in that sunbject, so show them more and you'll get even ore shares, backlinks, traffic & optins!

#4: Instantly Build an Active List

Niche Example: If you share an article on the latest diet fad from the you know that person who clicked on your shared content is interested in dieting. You can then show them an optin directly on the offering a free diet tips, instantly building your list.

#5: Income From Your Lost Visitor's

Drive more income from your lost visitors. Everyone shares content daily but you do not make anything from it. Imagine being able to instantly advertise directly to any visitor who clicks on your shared content. They click on a funny video about cats, show them an affiliate offer directed at cat owners...

#6: Analytics

There is a full analytics built into the software. You can see where your visitors are coming from using the full GEO breakdown. Track conversion and performance of your messages and ads. Referrals, traffic and more with full real time reporting from our in depth graphs

#7: Retarget Any Link Shared

Any link shared can now be retargeted using Perfect Audience or Facebook retargeting. Use this to quickly build custom niche audiences. Share an article on the latest game and build a custom audience of gamers.

#8: Use Your Own Domain

You don’t have to use the 'Cliks It' domain, you can add in your own domain so the link will be branded to yourself rather than their domain.

#9: Social Sharing

Social sharing directly built into the web app. So you can share your links and content directly from inside the application.

Inc. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicous and Vkontakte.

Click the button below to see the software in action:
Note #1: use this coupon to get $10 off - "cliks10off"

Note #2: There are some bonuses up for grabs, I'll list them down at the bottom of this email, and you can check them out here: Your Bonus Software

NOTE #3: IMPORTANT - This offer closes in just a few hours from now, so this really is your last chance to grab this at the one off launch special!
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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