Subject: Come meet the genius behind LinkedIn Friend!

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Hi Friend,

We are just a day away from June and this month has a stigma of the dreaded "June Gloom". When people, weather, or circumstances are less than perfect, it’s easy to get caught up in the gloominess. Well, we have just the person to get us to step out of the gloom so we can Shine so that we keep our positivity going no matter what is happening out there or what others are bringing to our table. 

So mark your calendar for Thursday evening! We have the one and only Shaun Cassidy joining us to speak out our monthly Multicultural Women's Network group!
Shaun Cassidy- Founder, Cassidy Creative Solutions - Business Growth Strategist - Social Media Influential
Shaun Arron Cassidy will be providing a fabulous and educational keynote talk on Social Media. Cassidy Creative Solutions has over the last 6 years assisted over 100 women owned startups and professionals leverage social media, internet sales and marketing strategies through storytelling across platforms several of those women owned businesses have been profiled within national media.

Shaun Cassidy holds 20+ years of experience in the fields of sales ad marketing, e--commerce and social media technologies. He is the founder of Cassidy Creative Solutions a speaking, training and consulting firm that helps professionals, non-profit organizations and corporations leverage social media, internet sales and marketing strategies through storytelling across platforms. Cassidy Creative Solutions clients and partners have been featured in the following global sites: The New York Times, Forbes, WGBH Boston, Univision, ABC News, CNN, CBS News, NBC Latino, WGN, The Huffington Post, LE Monde, Drudge, the front page of Yahoo!, UT San Diego, San Diego Reader, KPBS San Diego, iHeart, Fox 5 San Diego,
Los Angeles Times, Daily Mail UK, BBC Ireland and UK.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary talk, you will be so motivated you won't want to leave!
Join us now, space is limited, act fast and get your ticket now!
Join us as we Celebrate Together!


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World Class Vision, Ultimate Success™!
We believe that every woman can make a difference in the world that we live in. Unfortunately, we are still suppressed in so many ways that it’s sometimes hard to be heard. But it’s time to combine our voices for maximum volume. Networking with other like minded women who have the passion, the drive, and the desire to be more and to do more, enables us to accomplish this together. We truly believe that, as a whole, we can be an active and positive force in the world. This is why one of our top goals is to engage with women worldwide. Every Woman can be a powerful successful business if they have the right tools.

We all have Obstacles that come our way in life and we are here to listen and get your back on that path through learning opportunities, that will have you move forward instead of stepping back in your business and life. We focus on creative learning, interacting and mindset. With education that we can all learn from we will have the strength and resilience to move forward in every aspect of our lives.

Join us!

Thursday, June 1st, 2017
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Place: Sohaila's Studio, Escondido, CA
Price: $10.00 Members
           $25.00 non-members
Coffee, tea, and aperitifs will be served

Looking forward to helping you on your path to success!

Contact me for directions: or send me a Facebook message.
The Multicultural Women’s group is a network of professional women from all walks of life, multi-ethnic backgrounds and is the most diverse multi-cultural network of its kind. Our mission is to build a strong global community of successful, motivated, and passionate professional women from various industries and walks of life who truly believe that investing in themselves and in other women is the key to success. Helping you grow, manifest and strive to accomplish your goals in the business you love in your authentic way thru education, inspiration and the opportunities to expand and grow on a much bigger level than you can ever dream of.
Sohaila International Promotions, PO Box 46-1062, Escondido, California 92046, United States
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