Subject: Testing Positive...For Life Skills

Should high schools teach our kids life skills?
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Knife Skills, Life Skills, and Everything in Between

Remember Home Ec? Eons ago, schools believed that there were certain skills (like cooking and personal development) that high schoolers needed to master before they headed off to college. 

Through the years, many of the classes that taught those skills fell to the wayside, making room for more tech-oriented studies. 

Recently, arguments have been made for bringing back the old-school lessons that many believe will appropriately prepare teens for adulthood. 

Who should teach these skills...Mrs. Jones or Mom and Dad?  

Read more here.

"I Want to Study How to Style Hair, Not Greek Mythology"

Attending a four-year university is not every student's dream. 

And that's OK! Some kids are interested in plumbing or construction or becoming a medical assistant, and they want to do it now...not in four years. 

That's where trade schools come in.

They're an excellent option for students who want to learn a skill and get out and work. 

Click here to find out if a trade school is a possibility for your student.

Parent Spotlight

We know that student anxiety is a real concern amongst parents and professionals, and when the topic was brought up in our Paying For College 101 Facebook group (Have YOU joined yet??), the huge amount of comments in response merely confirmed it. 

One parent had what we thought was a great idea about how to lessen the level of stress surrounding the college admissions process. Here's what "LG" had to say...

"I have a HS junior. We have a rule that we only talk about college at a designated 'meeting time,' once a week. We all log on to Naviance and look at the schools that are on his match list. We check out their websites, find out a little bit about them, etc. I found is that we all need boundaries around college discussions. We don’t want to turn him off to the process, but it’s important to spend some time on it as well."

What's Up Ahead on The Road...

Upcoming Webinar: January 26, 8:00pm ET

How to Appeal Financial Aid and Merit Scholarships

We know that some acceptances have come in and others will continue to roll in as the months go by. Following them will be financial aid packages and word of any scholarships that will be awarded. 

Knowing whether you should or can appeal these awards is very important. As is knowing how to go about it.

Join us for a how-to on the details of a process that could very well bring you much-needed additional funds.

Mark your calendars and sign up for a reminder.

How Much Does College REALLY Cost?

Author Ron Lieber will join us to answer this question and talk about his upcoming book, "The Price You Pay for College." 

We're giving you an early heads-up, because we know you will not want to miss this discussion. 

Join us and Ron: January 31st at 8:30pm ET

(You can pre-order Ron's book here.)

Give a Little, Get A Lot

For the past two years we've worked together as a community to crowdsource and share our student's acceptances, need-based aid, and merit scholarship offers.

This year, more than ever, it's important to see how colleges are awarding financial aid and merit scholarships, and how test scores (or no test scores) are impacting these outcomes.

Our updated free tool, COMPARE COLLEGE OFFERS (CCO) is live!
If your student has received offers from colleges, please use the tool to compare your offers and see what other students at the same colleges received.

My goal is to provide affordable services, insightful information and a support system so your family can make more informed decisions about college.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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