Subject: It Was Great To See You! 😀

Here's follow-up information to help. 
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Group Hug

It was great to see everyone who could make our Tuesday Coffee Clatch.

Though we don't have answers to all your questions, I hope it feels a little better to know we all have similar concerns and we're trying to do our best to help our students make hard decisions during uncertain times.

For those who couldn't make it, some of the topics we discussed were:
  • Financial aid appeals
  • Making deposits and asking for extended deadlines
  • Gap years
  • Managing waiting list expectations
  • Measuring the financial health of colleges
  • Potential plans by colleges for fall on-campus enrollment
  • Being mindful of the emotions of HS seniors dealing with multiple disappointments
Here are links to more information as follow up to our discussion:

How To Get Additional Guidance

A few of you asked how you can get additional guidance as you and your student make the final college choice.

If you have general questions or suggestions for topics you'd like covered at one of our Coffee Clatches, please email us at

If you'd like more personal and individualized guidance, you can schedule time with Russ, who heads our College Concierge Services

With 16 years experience as an independent college admissions counselor and coach, Russ can help you with any aspect of your family's decision process. 

Whether it's related to appealing your student's aid/merit offer, evaluating which school is the "best" social, financial, and academic fit, ensuring you have exhausted all your options, gaining confidence you are making the right decision or anything else related to your concern, struggle or stress, Russ can help!

Click the box below to schedule a time to speak with Russ. You can book a 30 minute ($79) or 60 minute ($149) to get all your questions answered
(special rate for Road2College subscribers, normally $275).

See you next Tuesday!
My goal is always to provide you with affordable services, insightful information and access to actionable data to help you make more informed college decisions.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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