Subject: COA and Tuition: Siblings, Not Twins

Understanding the difference between Cost of Attendance and College Tuition.
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Tuition and Cost of Attendance (COA): Siblings But Not Twins

Colleges throw more acronyms and terms at families than a pitching machine on steroids. 

And, if you can't "field" these pitches, you can sometimes be left in the dark.

You may have considered using tuition, or even room and board, to compare colleges, thinking these costs were similar across the board, but these are only some of the costs to attend college. 

COA is similar to an umbrella; it "covers" these expenses, but many more are covered under it as well. 

Learn more about COA and the role it will play in your financing journey here. 

Considering Loans? Stop Here First for Some 
Cost-Cutting Tips

Contrary to what some families believe, student loans are NOT "The Devil!" Some families WILL need to take out loans in order for their students to get a college education...or finish their college education.

We believe that as long as you know your limitations, and understand the entire loan process, you can make an educated decision if and when the time comes. 

But before you sign on the dotted line, there might be some things you can do to cut your costs and even forestall the need for loans totally. 

Click here to find out one family's strategies that might just work for your family..

Did Someone Say "Books?"

According to Punxsutawney Phil, winter will be with us for at least another month or so. 

And what can be better in winter than hibernating with a good book? The parents in our Paying for College 101 Facebook group seemed to agree with us and engaged in a very lengthy discussion about the books they would recommend to parents who are just starting their college admissions journey or are already steeped in college life.

Here are some of their favorites.
Happy reading!

The College Conversation by Furda/Steinberg
I'm Going to College--Not You! by Jennifer Delahunty
Who Gets In and Why by Jeff Selingo

What's Up Ahead on The Road...

Want To Know How Your Student's Offers Compare To Other Students?

If you're a family with a high school senior, your student is in the thick of getting offers, comparing them, and deciding whether to appeal. 

Have you ever wondered how your student's offer compared to other students? We have and so have members of our community.

To help increase transparency in the admissions process, families in our community have shared their student's offers in our Compare College Offers tool.

Once you share, you'll be able to see what other students at the same schools were offered. You can compare EFC range, location, GPA, test scores, and needs based and/or merit scholarships.

Help other families today and pay it forward for future families by sharing your students offers. Click below to share...

Three-Part Webinar Series with Author/Expert Jeff Selingo and Special Guests

Getting Into College: The Complicated Truth About College A

Parents of 9th, 10th, and 11th Graders: Your Window of Opportunity to Get in on This Deal Is Closing as of February 21st!

Use code 1stmonthfree to get all three sessions ($89.97) for the price of two ($59.98) when you sign up by February, 21, 2021.

Join New York Times bestselling author Jeff Selingo as he provides an inside view of the college admissions process, followed by
a live Q and A. (See dates below.)

This special three-part webinar series will explore the details of the selection process, from both the college and the student/family side.

How colleges evaluate students for admission and give out financial aid has a lot more to do with the college or university’s priorities than with whether or not your student is qualified. Deciphering the selection, merit scholarship, and financial aid processes has become even more important with the impact of the pandemic on college admissions and higher ed overall.

Don’t miss this important series bursting with practical tips, behind-the-scenes insights, and candid conversation.

Three dates to put on your calendar!
Sunday, February 21, at 8:30pm ET
(Jeff will be joined by Georgia Tech's Rick Clark for this session)
Sunday, March 21, at 8:30pm ET
Sunday, April 18, at 8:30pm ET

This event is generously sponsored, in part, by CollegeAve Student Loans 
My goal is to provide affordable services, insightful information and a support system so your family can make more informed decisions about college.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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