Subject: APPLY NOW! For the National Safe Supportive Schools Learning Collaborative

The National Center for Safe Supportive Schools (NCS3), a Category II Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), invites school districts to apply to participate in a 2-year national learning collaborative that accelerates and spreads innovation and improvement in the advancement of culturally responsive and trauma-informed school mental health systems. Too often, school mental health, trauma-informed schools, and cultural responsiveness and equity efforts are siloed. This learning collaborative intentionally integrates the three components to better promote equity and well-being for all students and staff. Participating districts and schools will receive training, technical assistance, implementation support, and guidance to effectively create the conditions needed for safe supportive schools. District leaders will be supported to attend an in-person, pre-conference session of the national Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health.

The RFA landing page includes the Request for Applications and application link.


Applications are due on Friday, March 31, 2023, by 11:59 pm ET.


For questions, email or join us at our RFA Overview on February 16, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 pm ET. Please feel encouraged to share this message within your networks.

-National Center for Safe Supportive Schools team