Subject: Friend how to pray Eid at home this year


How to pray Eid ul-Fitr at home this year. And a final reminder about Zakat ul-Fitr

Assalamu Alaykum

People have been wondering how Eid ul-Fitr can be performed given the lockdowns currently in place. We wanted to share a great little video by Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim that explains how Eid ul-Fitr can be prayed at home with your family this Eid.

Watch this video for a guide on how to do so.

Also a reminder on Zakat ul-Fitr which is due now and which we should seek to fulfil the obligation of well before Eid. The wisdom of Zakat ul-Fitr is to ensure that everyone in our community should not worry about food for at least the day of Eid, so we can all celebrate this special day together.

Zakat ul-Fitr must be paid before Eid Salah else it is invalid. You can pay it in advance to ensure that the food will reach those in need before the Eid Salah.


Zakat ul-Fitr is a duty which is mandatory on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult, as long as they have the means to do so. If they are minors, their parents have the obligation to pay on their behalf. Here are some other things you need to know.


  • $12 per person. As per the Australian National Imam Council $12 per person is the requisite amount for Zakat ul-Fitr.

  • Your Fitr will be given to the most needy here in our community. This includes single parents, widows and orphans for whom your Fitr will make Eid special insha Allah.

  • Easy payment portal. Our easy-to-use payment portal allows you to quickly calculate how much Zakat ul-Fitr you owe based on your dependants.


We'd appreciate it if you can pay your Fitr as early as possible, so we can do our job and get it to those in need before Eid insha Allah.

As always, Jazaakum Allahu Khairan for your support.


The NZF Team

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