Subject: Friend A message from Br Ismail on this blessed night

Video inside

Assalamu Alaykum Friend

A short message from our CEO Ismail Davids on this blessed night that may give you an opportunity to increase in your rewards insha Allah.

After all aren't we all in need of more rewards?

Or prefer paying offline?
You can transfer to our bank account using details below

Name: National Zakat Foundation Inc.
BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252

PAYID (ABN): 39521979908

Reference: Zakat / Sadaqah / Fitr / Fidyah

Submit a request for a tax receipt here

Don't forget Fitr

Zakat Al Fitr is an obligation and MUST be paid before the start of Eid Prayer.

The earlier you pay, the easier it is for us to ensure it reaches those in need before Eid so they too may join in the Eid celebrations along with the rest of our community.

Over a thousand Muslims right here in Australia have already paid their Fitr to NZF this year Alhamdulillah .

Join them today.

Lastly, during these blessed days please remember the NZF team in your duas. Please ask Allah to keep us sincere and grant His Barakah in the work we do in helping establish the benefits of the Pillar of Zakat here in Australia.

JazaakAllahu Khair for your continued support.


The NZF Team


Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252