Subject: Friend Will you support them this blessed day?🙂

A great day to support our Cancer work

Assalamu Alaykum Friend,

We wanted to say a big Jazakumullah khayr to everyone who has supported our Fitness for Cancer campaign so far.

Alhamdulillah we've had over 20 campaigns created by people in the community and $6,000+ donated already. This is going to be a significant help for people suffering from cancer in our community through our Caring Connections program.

Today is a blessed day though, and we're reaching out to you to with the hope that you'll help DOUBLE this, insha Allah!

As you know, Friday is a special day of du'a (asking Allah), generosity and good deeds generally. We hope you can take some time out to check out some of the below campaigns, choose one that appeals to you and support our brothers and sisters in their activities to raise funds for cancer.

And of course you don't have to choose a campaign at all - you can give to our general drive by clicking here.

Some of the amazing campaigns live right now:

Your donations actively help transform the lives of our brothers and sisters in Islam who have been impacted by cancer and its MANY challenges: Financial. Psychological. Familial.

Do help us on this blessed day inshaAllah, and may Allah reward you abundantly for your generosity! ❤️


The NZF Team

Online: Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252