Subject: Yes, Fitr and Zakat are two different things

Assalamu Alaykum Friend

People are often confused between Zakat al Fitr (commonly referred to as Fitr) and Zakat al Maal (commonly referred to as Zakat).

You wil find a simple explanation on our Zakat FAQs page seen below

If you haven't checked it out already, click below to access all our Zakat education resources so you are better informed of this important pillar of Islam.

If you have a specific question, you can simply reply to this email with your question and we will get one of our qualified Zakat specialists to respond.

JazaakAllah Khair for your support & trust in NZF.


NZF Team

Website: Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Inc.

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252