Subject: Uh ohFriend, have you ever missed paying your Zakat?

Find out what you can do

Ever missed paying Zakat?

This Sunday afternoon, just before the last 10 nights of Ramadan commence - have a think about your past. Have you ever missed paying Zakat? What about when you were in your teens? Or when you weren't really knowledgeable about Islam?

A powerful act of worship could be fixing up your missed Zakat, if applicable to you.

We're doing a short anonymous survey to understand how many Muslims may have missed their Zakat in the past.

Please click the button below to take 2 seconds to submit your entry. We'll share the results in our next email insha Allah.

If you have missed paying your Zakat, whatever the reason, miscalculating or missing Zakat from previous years – whether intentional or unintentional – remains a debt to be paid and must be done so without delay. Otherwise, you risk destroying your own wealth as per the hadith:

“Zakat is never intermingled with any amount of wealth without destroying and rotting it.” (Bukhari)

Moreover, Zakat is a right of the poor and holding on to it will not only increase poverty in society but will also result in severe consequences for the individual concerned:

“When a slave of Allah pays Zakat, the Angels of Allah pray for him in these words: “O Allah! Grant abundance to him who spends (in Your cause) and destroy him who does not spend and restricts to himself his wealth.” (Bukhari)

So what can you do about missing your Zakat?

Short answer - you have to make it up. We have a free Zakat Guide to explain how you can do this. Click below to read it.

Remember Kareem?

If you've been following Kareem's journey of learning about Zakat - surely Kareem would have missed paying Zakat?

They just released their latest video in our Zakat video library! Click below to find out.

Missed Zakat and need further assistance?

Just jump on our website and chat live with one of our Zakat specialists and they will help guide you through the process. Or you can just reply to this email and we can organise for one of our team members to give you a call to discuss any questions you might have.

Let us help you get Zakat right this year.


NZF Team


Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252