Subject: The Prophet’s Hajj is now live Friend - an incredible journey


Asalamu Alaykum warahamatullahi wa barakatuhu Friend

Thank you for your interest two days ago when we wrote to you regarding the Prophet’s Hajj journey that we are about to follow. 

To answer our question in the last email - there were about 100,000 companions who joined our Prophet ﷺ during this blessed journey! 

Today, we are glad to announce to you that our website is now ready with the initial details of this amazing journey. Putting this together has been an incredibly exciting experience for the team but also one that has been humbling & saddening at the same time! 

Our blessed Prophet ﷺ performed only one Hajj and this was an amazingly historical Hajj. It is this Hajj that has become an example for the entire ummah until the Day of Judgement. Let us reflect on that while we go through this journey together.

We hope you enjoy and benefit from this brief look at His ﷺ incredible pilgrimage. Please share this resource with others if you find it beneficial!

P.S. Every few days, we will be launching new videos which we will also share with you. These will be a moving and informative look at this journey. It’s the first time we are doing something like this and really hope you enjoy and benefit from it.


The NZF team

Watch The Prophet's Hajj - the launch video

Increase Your Reward by Giving on the Best Ten Days of the Year!

Alhamdulillah we have had an influx of people setting up their daily donations for these 10 days. If you haven’t done so already, just a reminder that you can sign up for automatic Daily Sadaqah on our website which you can access through the above. You can sign up right now and the payments will automatically start on the 22nd and end on the 31st of July insha Allah. 

This is the time for reward and good deeds, so why not use this opportunity to ensure you can do this daily, no matter how small your donation is?


Step 1: Click the button below to visit the payment portal.

Step 2: Choose the option "Sadaqah > Daily - 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah".

Step 3: Click pay and reap the rewards in these blessed days!