Subject: The BIG night: Calculate your Zakat today; get ready to pay tomorrow!

  • Zakat can be complex, with a myriad of rules few know very well
  • NZF Australia’s Online Zakat Calculator is there to help: easy and efficient to use
  • Watch the video below explaining how to use it, and why you should share it with your family and friends!
  • The 27th night is TOMORROW night! 
Ubayy ibn Ka’ab - an important companion - would swear Laylatul Qadr was on the 27th night.

A narration in Sunan Abi Dawud indicating Laylatul Qadr is the 27th night of Ramadan.

Laylatul Qadr is to be searched in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

With these facts in mind, many people rightly treat the 27th night of Ramadan with reverence. One thing many people do is pay their Zakat on this night - and with these sorts of rewards potentially on offer, why wouldn’t they?

If you are one of these people, be sure to first have calculated your Zakat accurately.

Our easy to use and intuitive Zakat Calculator tool is JUST the thing for this. Check out this video to see why.

Get prepared: use our Zakat Calculator to make sure you fulfil your obligation tomorrow if that is the night you choose to pay your Zakat.
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