Subject: Thank you

Asalamu Alaykum

It has been nearly two weeks since Ramadan has gone and it feels like it was such a long time ago! 

My sincerest Jazakallah khairan, for your support and trust you have given us. Rest assured your Zakat will be distributed effectively and efficiently in a transformative way, empowering our local community. 

We know we have a busy year ahead of us. We received over 300 cases just during Ramadan subhan Allah so there is no rest for the NZF team as we continue assessing and distributing your Zakat where it is needed most.
Local Zakat

Many of you know now that we strive hard to educate the community on the importance of local Zakat. Since 2013 we have made much progress but I am afraid I still have to report that this is still a new concept to many people. Alhamdulillah we will get there slowly.

What I did notice this year though was the confidence of the local Muslim community. I visited many Masajid during Ramadan and it was very assuring to see different communities driving big projects for our local communities which can only be a good thing insha Allah. I pray that Allah continues to strengthen our local leaders & through them our local community. Ameen.
The next 12 months

In the coming year we are looking forward to continue 
  • Caring and helping the most disadvantaged 
  • Transforming peoples situations to take them from receivers to payers again
  • Implementing programs that will help uplift the next generation 
  • Continue building on the alliances formed while forging new strategic alliances with relevant organisations
  • Zakat education programs throughout the year, including a school/scripture program
  • Exploring community development programs
  • Providing regular updates on our progress through the year
In closing, let me leave with you the statement that resonated with me most during this last Ramadan that I will leave to you to reflect on

“Your 2.5% is their 100%"

So I hereby request your on-going dua for us, the NZF Team to remain sincere and steadfast in the huge Amaanah that we are trying fulfill.

As always, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Abu Muneer Ismail Davids
CEO, National Zakat Foundation Australia
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