Subject: Something to reflect on in your dua during these blessed nights

We need change

Assalamualaikum Friend

To continue on from our Real Talk episodes last week, I thought I will share with you some real cases in these last 10 nights. I hope this will help us all be grateful to Allah in these blessed nights, and to also not forget those who are struggling around us in our dua.

Please read through the below and let me know what you think!

Tips for these blessed nights

As we wrap up the remaining few nights in Ramadan, many of our thoughts have shifted to Eid celebrations. Shopping, food & family for many of us who are privileged Alhamdulillah.

However, before we get to Eid, let us raise our hands up to our Creator, the All Knowing, the All Wise - and make some sincere dua to guide us on making small changes so we can transform our community.

The realities are too hard to ignore. If you missed some of the stories we shared this month, please take a couple of mins to read some of them below.

  • Clara's story - A revert, single mum. Her partner & family together turning against her, forcing her to run with her autistic child.

  • Ahmed's story - Losing his wife unexpectedly and realising he can't afford to bury her!

  • Yusuf's story - His wife wants to kick his parents out. It's her or his parents. How does he choose?

  • Ramia's story - She woke up to a burning house one night. Almost finding herself homeless with her kids, how does Ramia cope?

  • Maria's story - A revert and a victim of domestic violence. Is Islam really the amazing religion people make it out to be?

Read the full stories here