Subject: Sheikh Shadi's words are a moving reminder for us

This is why we do what we do

The Muslim community in Australia needs little introduction to Sheikh Shadi Alsuleiman.

He has been a pioneering leader in our community - the founder of the UMA and the president of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC).

Sheikh Shadi has been a long-time supporter of NZF Australia's mission and vision, seeing first hand how our work has harnessed the power of Zakat in our local Muslim community over the last decade.

He's been there from very early on in our journey, and has supported the need for local projects since our inception 10 years ago.

In this video, he explains the vital role that NZF plays in helping our brothers and sisters in need throughout Australia. You can watch Sheikh Shadi's message here or by clicking above.

Friend Zakat - as Sheikh Shadi points out - is a powerful tool in completely transforming possibilities for our community, and that's what it has done for some 10 years. The numbers below speak exactly to this phenomenon - check them out to see where your Zakat has gone over the last 10 years if you've given it through NZF at some point.

Daily Sadaqah: Just 8 days left to make an incredible start to Ramadan

Just 8 days remain until Ramadan, SubhanAllah.

The generosity of your Sadaqah can make a massive difference to our work, by enabling us to do what we do.

You can make a tremendous difference to the lives of Muslims in need in Australia with just a few clicks and through a small act of generosity that may be small for you, but will have BIG implications for our community.

With automated Daily Sadaqah donations, it’s easier than ever before to help NZF fight crises affecting Muslims in Australia while sowing incredible seeds for your own hereafter.


Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252