Subject: Relive the Prophet’s only Hajj

  • The blessed days of Dhul Hijjah are the days of Hajj 
  • The Prophet only did one Hajj in his life
  • We must try to know and cherish the Prophet’s Hajj
Assalamu Alaykum,

Many of us may know of family or friends who have departed for Hajj this year. We see the photos of Hajj online, we hear of its blessings constantly and we are well aware of its deep significance in our religion.

But how many of us know the details of our beloved Prophet’s Hajj?

The Prophet is the greatest of all creation and his Hajj was the best Hajj. Knowing of its detail and its virtues is a good way to express our love for the Prophet whilst also learning something deeply valuable.

This year, we’ve put together something that we believe is truly special.Through a series of small but informative graphics, we have drawn out the Prophet’s Hajj journey in an engaging and compelling way. 

See the Prophet's Hajj series here

One thing that lasted through the Prophet’s Hajj journey was a strong sense of constant worship in every form. To imitate this spirit, we are running our 10 Day Sadaqah Campaign so you can proactively give this Dhul Hijjah. Join in on the spirit of the Prophet’s Hajj and give generously throughout the remainder of the best 10 days!


NZF Team

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