Subject: Qurban 2019 bookings now open!


Last year, Fatimah* and her family were one of 500 families to whom National Zakat Foundation distributed locally slaughtered Qurban as part of our Local Qurban for Local Need program.
What is the Local Qurban for Local Need project?
The aim of this Program is to bring the practical aspect of the Qurban into the local community here in Australia. As per the sunnah we encourage donors to take a share of the Qurban to enjoy with friends & family, while at the same time benefiting the local needy right here in our community.
This year we aim to distribute the meat to 100 refugees and asylum seeker families in VIC and NSW
How can you do your Qurban with us?
To book your Qurban, simply fill out our booking form below and follow the instructions.

The Qurban price this year will be $180 per sheep. This includes costs of processing and distribution of the meat.

If you would like to reserve a share for yourself, please indicate this preference on the order form. Your share will be in the form of a whole leg per sheep. We recommend that you take a share for yourself.

For those who opt in for a share of the Qurban, you will be notified of details regarding timings & pick up location once your order is processed.

If you have any questions, please call us on 1300 663 729
or reply to this email.
*Names changed for privacy and confidentiality
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