Subject: Local Zakat is a solution to our crisis. And some Ramadan prep help!

How you can prepare, even in these odd times!
Two great conversations coming up - one on the power of Zakat and another on how to prepare for this DIFFERENT Ramadan

Assalamu Alaykum Friend

You’re probably thinking what we’re thinking: what a DIFFERENT Ramadan it's going to be this year. No Taraweeh, no Eid prayer, no public iftars! May Allah make it easy for us all.

At NZF, we’ve been at the forefront for many years looking after the community’s well being through Zakat. This year, that will extend to the whole of Ramadan, as this COVID-interrupted Ramadan will have a mental and psychological impact on all of us.

We’re teaming up with some great speakers in the community to bring tips, tricks and advice on how to handle it as best as possible.

Our first event will see sister Calisha Bennett hold a (sisters-only) workshop entitled “Making the most of a different Ramadan”. It is happening this coming week, and all details are below.

On Wednesday, we’ll be doing a FB live with our CEO, Ismail Davids, on how the Islamic institution of Zakat is a powerful mechanism to help alleviate suffering during the devastation being caused by COVID-19. We will also address how we can all do our part to help our brothers and sisters through it right here in Australia.

Join us in these events as we kick start our build up to Ramadan through important discussions and resources.

If there are key topics you would like to see us address, get in touch and let us know simply by replying to this email.

The NZF Team

Making the most of a different Ramadan by Calisha Bennett

When: 13th & 14th April, 8 PM - 9.30 PM Sydney Time
Where: Online
Investment: $40
For further inquiries, please call: 02 8712 9219

Made for Crisis: Unlocking the Power of Local Zakat by Ismail Davids

When: 15th April, 7.30 PM Sydney Time

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