Subject: 3 events in the next 3 weeks. You are invited!


The team at the National Zakat Foundation have got an exciting three weeks ahead of us with three events that I believe are very beneficial to the community insha Allah.

And the community is YOU, so I strongly encourage you to attend so that we may collectively make a difference.

Unfortunately, all three events are in Melbourne only. If you live in other states, do stay tuned as we update you on events in your city in the following months.

Please see details below. If you have any questions, do let us know.

Farooq Syed
Marketing Manager
National Zakat Foundation
1300 663 729 |
Towards a Self Sufficient Community
Tuesday, 14 Nov 2017 | 6 PM to 8 PM
Islamic Musuem of Australia, Thornbury, Victoria

You should have received an invite from Munir, our National Relationships Manager for this event earlier this week. It is platform jointly hosted by the National Zakat Foundation and the Islamic Museum of Australia to bring together businesses & individuals keenly interested in contributing back to the community by means of collaboration & collectively maximising the impact that we can make.

Through the work we do, we have come to realise that Zakat is more than just the distribution of charity, it is the key to building a self-sufficient community.  While Zakat provides a framework to enable continuous improvement within the community, communities are not re-built and empowered through simply collecting money from the rich and giving it to those who are needy. 

The key lies in the community using this framework to further invest resources in other avenues to accelerate community development & growth.

Curious on how you can contribute to empowering the economics and financial state of our Muslim community within this framework?

Join us for night of discussion & networking insha Allah. The event is FREE, food is provided and also includes a guided tour of the Islamic Museum of Australia! 

To register - Click Here
Eyes Wide Shut | Healthy Relationships
Saturday, 18 Nov 2017 | 10 AM to 3 PM
Hume Global Learning Centre, Craigieburn, Victoria

Eyes Wide Shut is a forum that we have set up to enable conversations and discussions about issues in the Muslim community that are rarely spoken about. These include domestic violence, mental health, refugee support and more.

Our next session focuses on domestic violence within the family. Everyone in the family needs to feel safe and supported but unfortunately this is more easily said than done.

Join us for an interactive day of conversations and workshops discussing what constitutes a health relationship. We will have experts sharing with us some of the common myths about domestic violence from Islamic, social and legal contexts. 

To register - Click Here
National Zakat Summit | Community Engagement Day
Saturday, 9 Dec 2017 | 10 AM to 3 PM
Drill Hall, Multicultural Hub, Melbourne, Victoria

December brings about another year since our last National Zakat Summit in Sydney. Two days of the summit are dedicated for training and planning activities for the national NZF teams and this is an important date in our calendars that shapes the work we do over the next 12 months.

One day of the summit is where we invite the community, i.e. YOU, who are interested in understanding how Zakat can and is being used to empower the community. We welcome all leaders, organisations and community members to join us for this summit so we can continue to engage and learn from one and other and contribute to productive discussions of how we can make a difference.

Attendance is free. Registration is required for planning purposes.

To register - Click Here
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