Subject: POWER Boating Skills Standard Updated

POWER Boating Skills Standard Updated

Hello NOWS network,
We hope you are all well, keeping healthy, and have been able to enjoy time on the water.
As you may know, American National Standards for boating safety need to be reviewed and updated at least every five years in order to ensure they remain current and relevant.  As a result, work has been underway to review the four National On-Water Skills Standards. Led by ABYC (The American Boat & Yacht Council), it has been an open and nationwide process of gathering input to update the standards. Members of the NOWS SME Team have been directly involved in the work. 
We are delighted to let you know that the POWER standard is the first to complete this process. The revised standard was officially published on December 31, 2021.  Most of the changes made were designed to clarify language used to define and describe the skills, as well as to improve the standard’s formatting and ease of use. Skills that were duplicates, appearing in more than one section of the document, were removed. You will also notice changes were made to its overall structure in order to make it more complete and consistent with ABYC’s many other national standards.

ABYC recommends course compliance with the revised standard no later than December 31, 2022. Click here to download a copy of the standard from the NOWS website.

We have now begun the process of updating the POWER boating skills standard support materials available on the NOWS website.

These resources will be available for help in updating courses to comply with the revised standard. We will keep you informed as we make progress on that work.

That is it for now. Thank you everyone. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Best regards,


Additional Resources

NOWS aims to continue the trend to reduce recreational boating fatalities, see NOWS resources on our website.

Looking to attend a recreational boating class that follows NOWS? Check the Water Sports Foundation website for a course listing.

National On-Water Standards (NOWS) Program. This project is being funded in part by a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard 2018-2019 grant. Bridging availability of NOWS web-based tools and resources.. Facilitated by Think First Serve.