Subject: [Tune-in Tuesday] Plans Gone Awry? Let Go of Control 🌀

[Tune-in Tuesday] Plans Gone Awry? Let Go of Control 🌀

September 12th, 2023 at 7:17 pm PDT

Hello Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about the consequences of attachment to a plan — holding onto control regardless of hints from the universe or circumstances changing. Last week I witnessed the unfortunate choices of 100’s of participants ...

Sept 10 Group Reading Cancelled will be Rescheduled

September 9th, 2023 at 11:46 am PDT

I tested positive for COVID just now... sorry for the late notice Hello Friend, I just tested positive for COVID and while my symptoms are lite (foggy brain, tiredness and a bit clammy) I want to give you my 100%. So tomorrow September 10th Group Re ...

[Tune-in Tuesday] Freedom Within 🔥

September 5th, 2023 at 4:22 pm PDT

Hello Friend, Freedom of self-expression, Tune In Tuesday reporting from Burning Man 🔥 WATCH TUNE-IN TUESDAY Much love,Natalie Intuitive Reader, Healer Mentor

[Tune-in Tuesday] Intuition in Unprecedented Circumstances 🐝

August 22nd, 2023 at 1:39 pm PDT

Hello Friend, This summer solstice we had a freeze that killed all the flowers on the 1300 plant baby lavender field and a lot of flowers on the field planted in 2020. No experts had advice from experiences with this issue so we decided to trust our ...

[Tune-in Tuesday] Tenderness of Transformation in Personal Growth ☀️🐍

August 15th, 2023 at 11:26 am PDT

Hello Friend, This Tune-in Tuesday I stumbled across an omen, a 2 foot long bull snake skin. It has me reflecting on how a snake sheds its skin to grow 3-6 times a year, and in the process rids itself of parasites and mites. Powerful lesson in the vu ...

[Tune-in Tuesday] Integrate Your New Awareness ⚓️

August 8th, 2023 at 10:52 am PDT

Hello Friend, This Tune in Tuesday I am reflecting on the integration process from the retreat I hosted last week. When we have intentional breakthrough or shocking change or surprising shifts in our life, it’s easy to keep plowing forward and not ...

[Tune-in Today] Let Yourself Feel 💜

July 26th, 2023 at 8:46 pm PDT

Hello Friend, Tuning In Today from the yurt that was set up this morning for the Lavender Sunset Retreat I’m hosting starting Friday. The last few months the universe has been moving at warp speed and it’s a lot to navigate. So I’m inviting you ...

[Tune-in Today] Give Yourself Space 💫

July 18th, 2023 at 5:13 pm PDT

Hello Friend, I’m doing something I’ve never done before, taking a 2 month sabbatical from private sessions to listen deep, slow down and enjoy my farm. My invitation to you this Tune In Tuesday — consider how you can give yourself space? What ...

[Lavender Retreat] Logistics in Preparation for Our Time Together

July 9th, 2023 at 1:55 pm PDT

Hello Friend,I feel so grateful to welcome you to my farm for the the Lavender Sunset Retreat in just 19 days! I have prepared the following information so your retreat is as relaxing as possible. I know it's long but PLEASE READ it through.Reach out ...

[Tune-in Today] Pushing Your Edge has Inner-Rewards ☀️

July 6th, 2023 at 10:50 am PDT

Hello Friend, Tune-in to traditions that push your edge physically or spiritually and notice what is the inner-reward? Sharing a little of the magic of my family’s tradition from the hay field where I’ve been windrowing hay all afternoon while m ...