Subject: New Moon Reading

Set your intentions to activate your vision and say yes to a reading.

Magical New Moon Friend! It's time to set your intentions with the extra creativity and sixth sensory support Pisces season has to offer.

Yes, you read that subject line right, it wasn't a tease. I'm giving FREE private reading and healing sessions to ALL who register for my summer retreat during this Moon Ripening window from today's New Moon February 19, until the Full Moon of March 7, 2023.

Just register for the Lavender Sunset Retreat on my sacred land with your deposit $500 (only 16 spots available) and you'll hear from my assistant with details on how to schedule your Private Session with me as a bonus ($400 value).

Connect with the earth and cultivate joy with depth this summer...

  • Tune into your inner-guidance and explore your sixth-sensory mysteries, as you make smudge sticks and watch the sunset over the lavender fields?

  • Discover a new vision for your soul path or update your old vision, so you head home feeling inspired and on purpose.

  • Rejuvinate your spirit with ritual and sacred play, to fill your energetic cup while you receive insights and healing.

  • Bask in the beauty of lavender fields and lavender's luxurious relaxing aroma, to activate your crown chakra awareness and spiritual awakening.

  • Spend in-person time on sacred land learning and growing with Natalie, to deepen your commitment to your soul path.

PLUS the FIRST 5 people to register receive $300 OFF! Will that be you?!

Blessed intention setting!


Intuitive Reader, Healer & Mentor

p.s. You may be wondering why the deadline? I need to know the retreat attendance numbers so I can book our food and other support items far enough in advance.