Subject: My 15 Minutes™ - Day 39 (resend)

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Day 39 - Finances
A Big Goal
If you find yourself in much the same financial position, year-in, year-out, it could be that you’re not establishing any clear and realistic goals financially.

Get Into Action!

We already have our $500 goals for the My 15 Minutes program. We’ve also thought about future holidays. Now it’s time to think longer-term. Today’s task has three parts:
  1. Think of something BIG which you would like to have or do in the future (eg. buy a home, have an extended overseas holiday, buy a car, have an extension to the house, donate a significant charitable gift, pay for self or family education...)
  2. Find an image that symbolises this for you (eg. picture of the Greek Isles, image of recipients of your gift, picture of your dream car) and either change your desktop or phone wallpaper to this image, or print the image and frame it. (Yes, frame it - it makes it seem more valuable and ‘real’).
  3. Make an appointment with a financial advisor to begin discussions on how to turn this dream into a reality.
Recommended Resource...
Here’s an article with 25 tips for saving money.
It's The Little Things...

Every non-essential thing you buy is a step away from your dream.
"A penny here, and a dollar there, placed at interest, goes on accumulating, and in this way the desired result is attained. It requires some training, perhaps, to accomplish this economy, but when once used to it, you will find there is more satisfaction in rational saving than in irrational spending"

P.T. Barnum
My 15 Minutes, 9 Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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