Subject: My 15 Minutes™ - Day 30

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Day 30 - Relationships
Find Your Love Language
Author Gary Chapman describes five ‘love languages’ - which are the different emotional and communication preferences which we each have (whether in a relationship or single).

The ‘love languages’ are:
• Words of affirmation
• Acts of service
• Receiving gifts
• Quality time
• Physical touch

Once we understand which ‘love language’ resonates most, we can use this knowledge to deepen our connections with other people (by communicating how we prefer to be ‘loved’). We can also learn which love language matters most for the key people in our lives (including children) and ensure that we ‘speak their language’.

Get Into Action!

  1. Take 10-15 minutes to complete the free online survey near the top of the webpage which will provide you with an indication of your preferred love language (and a great actionable report). NB. This tool has been around for a while and some of the questions in this survey may not align with your beliefs about gender roles. Stick with it through these anomalies, as the end result tends to be accurate and useful.

  2. Find some time to share what you’ve learnt about yourself with people who matter most to you - ideally, it would be great if they also took the survey and you learnt about their preferred love language as well.
Recommended Resource
Here are six simple ways to speak well to your loved ones.
Think About It...

Communicate freely about what works and doesn’t work for you in any relationship, rather than expecting the other person to mind-read.

"The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers"

Thich Nhat Hanh
Which Love Language Resonates Most With You?

Share your findings in the Facebook group or the Members’ Hub.

Come Back Tomorrow... 

And clear some space in your diary.

My 15 Minutes, 9 Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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