Subject: My 15 Minutes™ - Day 26 (resend)

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Day 26 - Personal Growth
Tattoo, Anyone?
Don’t panic! This task isn’t about rushing to the tattoo parlour (unless you want to!).

It’s about getting more clear on what means the most to you.

Get Into Action!

  1. Spend 15 minutes contemplating an imaginary (or real) tattoo for your body.
  2. Thinking of the permanence of this act - and therefore the importance of choosing something that means a great deal to you - select the one thing that would resonate most deeply or mean more than anything else to you.
  3. This task is about narrowing right down all of the available ideas, words, symbols or quotes, and isolating the thought or concept that is most precious to you.
Recommended Resource...
Stuck for inspiration? Here’s 100 tattooed quotes!
Top Tip

Let go of ‘perfect’ or 'tattoos aren't for me', and have fun with this task.
"An apt quotation is like a lamp which flings its light over the whole sentence"

Letitia Elizabeth Landon
My 15 Minutes, 9 Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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