Subject: The 3 key reasons you're failing to lose fat...and how to fix them...

So here's the deal...there are 3 key reasons why you're failing to lose fat:

1) Lack of a proven training and nutrition plan.

2) Lack of motivation.

3) Lack of support.

If you had those 3 items above covered, I GUARANTEE you'd be able to lose fat.

Because of this, International Best Selling Fitness author and natural bodybuilding
champion Hugo Rivera, along with fitness authorities Anthony Alayon and Cecile
Bayeul decided to put a site together that addresses all of these issues and gets
you on the path to the physique that you are looking for.

Whether you just want to lose a few pounds or you want to have a shredded six
pack, they wanted to make sure that you'd have all of the tools you'd need to
get in shape.

That's when the concept of the University of Abs came about.

The concept was tested on a group of people and EVERYONE that followed the
plan not only achieved their individual physique goals but also STAYED IN SHAPE!

Why is that?

Because even the best training and diet program is often NOT ENOUGH
to get in shape.
Most people also need a support system that helps them to get
to their goals. And that's what the University of Abs is all about.

Here is what makes the University of abs different:

Component #1: Step by Step, Week by Week Fat Burning
Exercise Routines With Video Instructions

Each day you have a page that shows you a motivational video as well as the exact workout
(and videos of each exercise) that you are going to do for the day. Exercises, sets, reps,
rest in between sets, ALL FIGURED OUT FOR YOU. All you need to do is follow along and
get the body that you want.

Each exercise is linked to its corresponding video workout where you can actually
visualize and see how the workouts are guesswork.

Component #2: Create Your Own Personalized Daily Diet
Menus Based on the Foods You Love

With their diet software you just enter a few simple measurements (like waist size,
for example) and you get an approximate body fat percentage calculation along
with a diet that is designed for your specific gender and lean body mass.

This way, you're always getting the nutrients you need for your particular body
type and metabolism for best results.

In addition, you have the option to change your menu on a daily basis...the online
dietitian tells you how much of each food item you need to eat.

Component #3: You Get To Create a "Facebook-Like" Membership
Profile and Chat With
The EXPERT PANEL and Other Members…

This membership profile is unique to can video chat with other members
and meet people who have the same goals as you do. Having the ability to interact
with other members and have constant contact with them by writing them messages
and posting on their wall is going to have a dramatic effect on your results.

Studies show time and time again that when groups of people get together in order
to achieve a common goal, the chances of achieving that goal multiply dramatically!

That is why they created the University of Abs with this type of member interaction
interface that allows members to create communities and add friends so that members
can motivate each other out.

This support is tremendously important the Hugo, Anthony and Cecile are on every
single day to give you the support and knowledge you need to succeed.

So Here's What You Get For 10 Bucks...

  • University of Abs at ($9.95/month)
  • BODY RE-ENGINEERING ($39.95 value - yours free - an excellent and effective
    muscle-building program from Hugo Rivera)
  • FAT EXTINCTION ($39.95 value - yours free)
  • FAT LOSS Interview with Hugo Rivera ($149.95 value - yours free)

Even with the cheapest personal trainer you can find (which is not going to give you
anything close to what they offer) you're still looking at $100 per week (assuming $20
a session for 5 sessions a week). Now, keep in mind that this does't cover the diet
component nor the group support that they offer.

To hire Anthony, Cecile or Hugo individually as your trainers would cost you an arm and a
leg (in the order of thousands a month as their rate these days is around $150 for 45 minutes).

This is a TON of great information (and support!) for a dirt-cheap price.

Enter the University of Abs at 33% off ($9.95) (Don't Miss Out - offer ends at midnight tonight)



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