Subject: How to do UPPER body focused cardio...[cool improvised equipment setup]

When you think cardio training, what's the first thing that pops into your head? ...and I
can almost guarantee you it probably wasn't anything to do with your UPPER body, right?

Well, here's the thing...what if you want to do cardio and your legs are trashed? Your
intensity is going to suffer.

Or what if you've got heavy leg training coming up that you don't want to get your legs
fatigued in advanced?

That's where ROWING can come in very's a GREAT upper-body
focused cardiovascular exercise that is extremely effective for fat loss.

And if you don't have a rowing machine at your gym (or at home), I've got the PERFECT
set up (cheap and easy) to help you make full use of this great exercise.

Learn how to make an improvised rowing machine here...



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