Subject: For maximum chest MASS, you need maximum this exercise...

When it comes to building muscle, achieving maximum TENSION
is huge...especially continuous tension.

And that's where this exercise combination for your chest comes in. It's
one of my absolute favorite ways to train the chest and it's ridiculously

You'll be combining two forms of resistance into one exercise in order
to keep FULL tension on the pecs from start to finish and all the way

It's an incredibly effective way to train because your muscles literally
get NO break all the way through.

Click here to learn this powerful pec-trashing exercise now...


Tension (Lack of It) is Muscle-Building Mistake #1

To continue on with the theme of "tension" for building muscle, not applying
enough tension to a muscle while training is actually one of the biggest
mistakes I see people make when they're trying to gain mass.

It's also one of the reasons why, in some exercises, I often see people who are
smaller than me are able to lift more than me...they're smaller simply because
they don't know how to apply solid tension to the muscles and keep it there.

If they actually learned how to take that excellent strength and
maximize the TENSION component of the training, they'd see MASSIVE
leaps forward in muscle growth

...I know because I've trained people like that and seen them change literally
in a period of weeks just learning how to apply tension.

If this sounds like your situation (where you're fairly strong or very strong in
an exercise yet you can't seem to gain muscle in that bodypart), you should
be excited, because you have some serious untapped potential just
waiting to be unleashed!

The next time you train that exercise, I want you to back off the weight and
instead of just lifting it and going through the motions, I want you to consciously
SQUEEZE the muscle as you're doing the exercise.

For example, next time you're benching, instead of just pushing the weight up,
focus on trying to pull your hands together on the bar. Obviously, your hands
won't move but just the intention of doing this will be enough to dramatically
increase tension on the muscles.

And you can apply this principle to just about any exercise very effectively.

MAX-Tension - Phase 1 of Hypertrophy MAX

So here's the connection with tension and the Hypertrophy MAX program I've
been talking about the past few days.

In this system, month-by-month, Vince and Ben cover the 6 most important
hypertrophy factors...and TENSION is #1 on the list. It's the focus of the
entire first phase of the training program included with the system.

Vince and Ben have really pulled out all the stops to give you an education in
muscle-building here. They've invested heavily in their own education over
the years and it really shows in the quality of this product. It is legit.

They've also just added another very cool addition to the 24-page
print newsletter, workouts, coaching calls & private forums, they're also
including a FULL 12-month All-Access-Pass to Vince's Live Large TV.

And, in what I think is a genius can name your own price for a
trial of the first month of the system...

Name Your Own Price on Hypertrophy MAX here...


P.S. If you do pick up the program, make sure you use the links in this email.
I'm going to throw in a free copy of my book "The Best Mass Exercises
You've Never Heard Of
" for you (just forward your receipt to
and we'll get a download link out to you).

Learn more about Hypertrophy MAX here...


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