Subject: Can you get big legs with HIGH rep training?

Can you get big legs with HIGH rep training?

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of “Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass”

Got a great guest article here for you today from my friend and
fellow strength coach Jason Ferruggia. This one is about how to
use HIGH reps to build your legs.

Yep, high reps can be GREAT for building muscle mass. It's all
in how you use them.

And I have to say, right up front, Jay is a BEAST. His training
info is top-notch and you won't go wrong following his programs.

Check out the article here (it's a Q&A format).



And got another very cool thing for you...Jason just got ENGAGED
this past weekend and to celebrate, he's offering both his books
for 51% off ($39.95 each instead of $79.95 each). This is a GREAT
deal that he's going to have going on until Friday, Aug 6th at
midnight so definitely check these out now.

They're both EXCELLENT training manuals.

Muscle Gaining Secrets:

Triple Threat Muscle:


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