Subject: Mounted Patrol Foundation Newsletter

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Announcing the 2021 

Woodside Area Equestrian Merit Scholarship


The Mounted Patrol Foundation has once again teamed up with the Woodside-area Horse Owners Association (WHOA!) to offer the "Woodside Area Equestrian Merit Scholarship". This $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to a deserving San Mateo, Santa Clara or San Francisco county high school Senior who is planning to attend college or pursue other advanced education. Criteria for applicants will include equestrian activity, academic achievement, community involvement, and financial need. 

The application process and application forms 
are now posted on the following websites:  


The application deadline is May 7, 2021 and 
the award will be announced by late June 2021.

Please spread the word to students you believe may be interested and qualified.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to reach out to our equestrian friends and look forward to communicating with you regularly regarding our efforts and other areas of interest to our community. We also invite you to provide feedback on issues we are not aware of where the Foundation and our supporters may be of assistance.

Thanks so much for joining us and happy trails.

P.S. Please feel free to visit our website 

Mounted Patrol Foundation, 521 Kings Mountain Road, 94062, Woodside, United States
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