Subject: Your chance to get in to Aspire to be You...

Hi Friend,

I promised to give you the chance to get into my new site
"Aspire to be You" today...

What is this new site about?

It's all about being you, finding that real you inside. When you
live a life true to yourself you'll be happy and fulfilled...I'm
going to offer you more content like you get from me every week
but this will build into a library of valuable guides and
blueprints for living the life you want.

Inside the site I have the first steps to a new you. Videos,
audios, articles, mind maps, reports and courses and much more
will be added in future..

I am offering you today the chance to get in before the site is
officially released. That means a special low price. Plus my new
CD "A More Confident You" sent to you:)

When the site goes live there will be two versions a limited
free version and a premium version but today you can get in to
the premium version and become a member for less than the price
of a cinema ticket...and enjoy all the benefits of exclusive


Then go to this page to find out more about the CD you'll get
when you try out the site...yes there's a 30 day trial too...

This is the last chance to get this trial...

See you inside "Aspire to be You"!

Take care,
Karl Perera