Subject: This is always important but...

Learning is always important, but...

First an apology for not writing to you last week. Not only did my computer crash, it refused to work so I had to spend several days repairing it. I also flew back to the UK for an important event. I attended my graduation!

Yes, despite having worked for more than 25 years now, I received a Masters Degree from the University of Nottingham on Monday, after three years of distance study.

I am a teacher. I should know all about learning right? As I have discovered we should never stop learning. How does this relate to your self esteem?

This time I want to talk to you about the importance of learning. Do you take the chance to learn? I don't mean just reading or getting new information, real learning is using this information.

I have benefited from taking my masters degree and focused on my interests and what would improve me as a teacher. Teaching is, in my opinion, about helping others. Learning is about helping yourself. To achieve a better You and a better life, both inside and out, you need to learn. 

"The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values." John Dewey

The values you have, change you and make you behave and think differently. Change is necessary to improve your self esteem and your life. Learning can have a profound effect on how you see yourself and how you can contribute to others.

Read this page for much more about learning and how to make progress in self improvement so that you can build your self esteem.

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Thanks for reading,

Speak soon,

Karl Perera
Teacher, Coach and Author., Regent Road, CB4 2AD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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