Subject: The Persuit of Happiness...

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Hi Friend,

This week I want to talk to you about the persuit of happiness..

But first a quick quote to set the scene:

"The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you
pursue happiness you'll never find it." -
C. P. Snow, 1905-1980

What on earth does this mean?

Are you looking for happiness and keep trying but no matter what
you do, you can't seem to find it?
What are you searching for?

I've got news for you...happiness is not something you look for
or have to find, it is within you.
It is waiting to come out and guess what, you're stopping it.


If you put conditions on your happiness then you are like 90% of
people on this planet who think happiness comes after something
good happens.

Wrong. Happiness is a choice you make. You can make it now - not
easy if things look bad to you and if your thinking is all

So what do you need to do first to be able to make a choice to
be happy now?

You need to change your thoughts from negative to positive. Then
you'll be open to the good things around you and you'll be able
to begin to smile and accept that you have hope and that will be
a start.

Please take a look at my new series "Tips for Positive Thinking"
on my blog:

I am going to add as many ways as I can think of to help you
change the way you think so that your thoughts help you to bring
happiness and success into your bookmark my blog and go
back to it from time to time.

Please comment on the blog if you like a post or find it helpful
or if you want to ask a question.

Take care,

Karl Perera
Author of Self Esteem Secrets E-book

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