Subject: The Heart of Success: This is what matters most ❤️

I've been thinking about this message carefully. What to say this time that I've not said before.

The reason you read my messages is for some quick inspiration, so what do I have this week? A simple message for you.

We are all trying to improve ourselves, aren't we? But what does that mean? What does it look like? And are you making any progress in your life?

Before you can do anything, you need to know what it will look like when you achieve your goal. So what is your goal? What does improving your life mean to you?

I've written for years about self-confidence and believing in yourself, but now I want to change that to a new aim. How to become a better person, in every sense of the word.

I'm not talking about becoming more successful I'm talking about being a kinder, better person.

I look at the world, and it seems sick right now. Everywhere there is suspicion, hate, revenge, and disagreement. We are in a dangerous place. Our leaders behave like children and act without thinking about the consequences.

The only thing you and I can do is aim to become better people. Perhaps only this will change the world around us. First, it starts within.

We need to stand up for what we believe is right, and by being better people, we can help others to change too. Without any desire for reward, do what is right and be honest and kind to others.

What a wonderful world it would be if we all acted in this way!

Before we criticise what is happening in the world, we need to start with ourselves. Be the change you want to see.

Let's go change the world together and demand our leaders act responsibly for the sake of future generations!

Please go check out my websites (there's something for everyone):

Interested in photos of space? Telescopes, astronomy, etc.


Interested in improving your health?


Interested in discussions about inspiration and self-motivation?


Please go visit my website, check some more images from my travels, reply to this email, and tell me what inspires you and why.

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