Subject: - are you scared of this?

Hi Friend,

Do fears hold you back?

I believe that fear is a big part of low self esteem. Don't you agree?
I will be writing more about the subject of fear and how you can overcome it in the weeks ahead..

I'll also be giving you the chance to grab two amazing instructional audios I've produced with my friend Chris Newman. These audios will help you *skyrocket your self esteem* and *conquer your fear of public speaking*. You will be able to get them in the next week or so - stand by for more news on this!!!

But first here's your newsletter for August - Check it out now:

-- The fear of public speaking --

Is public speaking - speeches, presentations, meetings or talking to a group of people - one of those fears that holds you back? I recommend you use these top 5 tips in the latest post on my blog:

I'm off to England this week but I'll keep you updated when you can get my two new exclusive audios..
Look out for news soon,

Take care,
Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets

"I like the questions asked, short and simple, yet they really make you think!"
Karen Lewis