Subject: Keep Calm and ...

Last time we talked about keeping an open mind and today I want to continue by highlighting another vital thing, the value of a calm mind.

Do you sometimes experience a mind filled with confusing thoughts or are you sometimes unable to stop your mind racing? It becomes so important to slow your thinking down and rid your mind of the background noise and confusion. A calm and clear mind is a healthy mind.

Not only is a calm mind healthy, it is necessary. A calm mind promotes inner peace and will help you make confident decisions as you see things clearly. It will help you focus on what is important and to use your time better.

A calm mind will make you happier and you will feel less pressured. So how do you stop your mind from being filled with too many thoughts and feel more calm? One way is to listen to calming music. I have found this has helped me enormously over the years.

Another benefit of a calm mind is that by removing the noise and overload of thoughts in your brain you also remove worry and anxiety. These can also lead to depression. A calm mind is a happier mind.

Relaxation comes from letting go of tense thoughts.”
Frances Wilshire
Learn to calm down the winds of your mind, and you will enjoy great inner peace.”
Remez Sasson

Speak again very soon,
Karl Perera
Teacher, Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets, Regent Road, CB4 2AD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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